The online community of knife collectors, A Knife Family Forged in Steel
Posted on October 4, 2011 at 17:51 10 Comments 2 Likes
Everyone know that the economy is faltering BIG time. Now with constant headlines showing current unemployment, job losses, mortgage defaults and a government that seems unable or unwilling to commit to a course of action, it is inevitable that the perceived value of material items declines. With that said where do you see the value of collector knives in the future? Will that custom Stryker still be worth what you paid for it? Or how about a Platts Jumbo Toenail? Will collectible knives…
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Hi Jeff,
I was also shocked to hear of Scott's passing. I got to know him when he was collecting old Boker knives and ended up buying a lot of his Bokers once he decided to concentrate on old elephant toenails. I know he sold some of his toenails to individuals, but the majority of his collection was auctioned off in Nashville, TN. The best lead I can give you regarding locating an old Platts or Case Bros. jumbo swellcenter would be Roger Cunningham and he is a member of iKC. He also goes by the user name peanut740 on AAPK (All About Pocket knives). He's a good guy and very knowledgeable about all old toenails, Good luck.
KnifeMakerTom Hudson said…
In MemoriamD ale said…
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