Kevin D
  • Mount Airy, NC
  • United States
  • User/Collector
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Kevin D's Friends

  • Eddie Tapp
  • Jason Bowman
  • Deb Bowers
  • Bill Z
  • martyb
  • James McClendon
  • Derek
  • George R Naugle
  • Andy Larrison
  • Dennis Hibar
  • Lars Ray
  • dead_left_knife_guy
  • Ellis H. Roberson
  • Gus Marsh
  • Jan Carter

Kevin D's Discussions

displaying bayonets - seeking feeedback!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Kevin D Feb 8. 2 Replies

Hey folks, I have a question that I would appreciate your input on.How would you display bayonets? Vertical?  Horizontal?  At an angle?Supported in slots?  With dowels in the muzzle rings, fingers…Continue

Finished a sheath for my wife

Started this discussion. Last reply by Dennis Hibar Dec 27, 2023. 1 Reply

This was my very first attempt at forging anything.  Ever.  (Thank you Jan and Donnie for their patience and teaching!)Jade (my wife) loved it, so I gave it to her.  She said she wanted to use it as…Continue

Condor - Huron Knife (a new knife and my 'review')

Started this discussion. Last reply by Kevin D Dec 7, 2023. 4 Replies

Never tried to do any sort of a review before, here is my first attempt.<EDITED to clarify an edge feature and to add additional information regarding the blade thickness and the wire wrap recess…Continue

Took too long - A Sugar Beet Knife by Clyde Cutlery Co.

Started this discussion. Last reply by martyb Aug 27, 2023. 3 Replies

My father had somehow/sometime acquired a few sugar beet knives.  I was somehow able to secure a couple.  This is the first of the two that I am trying to salvage.This one has a straight blade and…Continue


Kevin D's Page

Latest Activity

Kevin D commented on George R Naugle's photo

RH 36 Remington

"Not sure how I missed this.... Glad I finally saw it though!  Looks like it is in good condition too!  congrats!"
Mar 20
Kevin D commented on lou gerrick's group REMINGTON KNIFE CLUB
"Looks Good George! I am looking to upgrade my RH35, but I guess I am being picky...  no...  "Selective" of these RH knives.  As nice of a condition as they might be, I am shying away from any PAL knives.  But thank you!"
Mar 12
Kevin D commented on Jan Carter's event 'SPRING 2025 TRACK ROCK HAMMER IN **GA**'
"I have to admit I got a bit of grief from Jade on Saturday.  I was incredibly fortunate and had the #1 overall pick in the 'Iron In the Hat' drawing.  Here we are at a forging/blacksmithing/knife making event, and I went and…"
Mar 10
Kevin D commented on Jan Carter's event 'SPRING 2025 TRACK ROCK HAMMER IN **GA**'
"Jade and I had an awesome time at the Hammer In this past weekend in GA! I was introduced to coal forging and the making of tongs.  Jade even forged a horseshoe knife! Jade's Knife  :) Thank you Donnie for your sharing your…"
Mar 10
Kevin D replied to Kevin D's discussion Old(ish) Remington RH knives in the group Research & Resources
"A 'Hail Mary' email to an old acquaintance, resulted in the this excerpt from the reply... "The handle material was made of walnut with Remington, Dupont, stainless, RH – 22 stamped on the handle. It was not colored. If you…"
Mar 8
J.J. Smith III replied to Kevin D's discussion Old(ish) Remington RH knives in the group Research & Resources
"Interesting question though I have no answer."
Mar 6
Kevin D added a discussion to the group Research & Resources

Old(ish) Remington RH knives

Good evening all,I find myself asking a question that as of yet I cannot answer, nor find the resource from which to find an answer.On the Remington DuPont knives (specifically the RH22) with a wooden handle, the stamping was done into the wooden handle.  Careful examination has led me to believe that these stamped characters were colored in somehow, but I cannot tell if the color was silver or white.  Also how was the color put into the stamping?My "guess" (based upon manufacturing processes…See More
Mar 5
Kevin D commented on Jan Carter's event 'SPRING 2025 TRACK ROCK HAMMER IN **GA**'
"My wife doesn't like to camp in the colder weather much, so we already have a room reserved.  See you there!"
Feb 19
Kevin D is attending Jan Carter's event

SPRING 2025 TRACK ROCK HAMMER IN **GA** at Track Rock Campgrounds

March 7, 2025 to March 8, 2025
Notice: Open to all & no admission fees  Location: Trackrock Campground, Blairsville, GA Directions: WWW.TRACKROCK.COM Activities: Bladesmithing, Hawk forging, Leather Crafting, Forge Building, Anything Knife Related Who: Anyone interested in knives, knife making, hawks, leather work, collecting, trading, etc. Watch, meet and talk with several talented bladesmiths, master leather craftsmen, collectors, etc. Watch old…See More
Feb 19
Kevin D replied to Lars Ray's discussion CFK / iPAK Knives - for all those who dare! in the group BOX FULL OF KNIVES
"Damascus blade (1095 and 15N20), brass guard/bolster, sheep horn handle scales, mosaic pins, brass pommel.  Unless you upgraded the sheep horn to buffalo horn or fossilized mammoth (teeth, bone, or tusk), I do not think you could make a knife…"
Feb 14
Kevin D replied to Doyle Fincher's discussion Tiny Toothpick 2011 event knife.
"Interesting.  Not what I had envisioned, but that should be a real neat set when completed."
Feb 13
Kevin D joined Fred Feightner's group

Case Fans

Fans of Case KnivesSee More
Feb 12
Kevin D replied to Craig Henry's discussion Case Seahorse in the group Case Fans
"The knives look good Dennis.  I do feel your pain on quality of a new knife not being up to what we feel should be a new standard.  It looks like you have been able to successfully make them look good though.  But I agree, you should…"
Feb 12
Kevin D commented on Mike Bryant's photo

Rough Rider Front

"Whoa... I had zero idea that the company changed the 'official' spelling like that. That is super good to know!  Being able to get an idea of manufacturing date based on the spelling of the name. Thank you!"
Feb 9
Kevin D joined Nick Hansen's group

Fixed Blade Club

This club is for the discussion of fixed blade owners or followers.A-Z index for discussionsSee More
Feb 9
Kevin D replied to George R Naugle's discussion Hoping to add a Holley to my collection
"well done!"
Feb 9

Profile Information

How did you hear about iKnifeCollector?
Do you currently subscribe to any knife publication (offline)
How long have you collected knives?
16- 20 years
Favorite Kind of Knives
About Me
Nothing special.
Just a guy that likes to keep his hands and mind busy.
Somehow, Swiss and Japanese bayonets have found their way into my realm of interests. Kind of like that puppy that follows you home... I am not real sure how this happened.
Other Hobbies
Hunting, fishing, woodworking, metal working, restoring older ... stuff.

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Comment Wall (12 comments)

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At 18:58 on February 3, 2025, Lonnie Lowry said…

I've got a model 62 also in much better condition than the '90. I hunted with the '62 with my grandad on a ranch in the Arbuckle Mountains of south-central Oklahoma where he was a true to life horseback riding cowboy until he was 83. Those rifles are neat and accurate little guns. Thanks for the welcome to iKnife. I've got 5 Mr Itou 5" drop hunter damascus knives (unused with leather sheaths) with exotic handles (Mammoth molar, genuine ivory, narwhal horn, abalone, and another that I can't remember). I'm trying to determine quality and value. I've also got a Civil War officer's sword (in very good to excellent condition) marked U.S. ADK 1862 on one side and Ames Mfg Co Chicopee Mass. on the other side with the metal scabbard. On the handguard it is stamped 2125. Again I'm trying to determine value. I'm interested in selling these, as well as some other knives. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Lonnie

At 10:32 on November 15, 2024, David Hawkins said…

Thanks for the welcome message Kevin.  I wonder what type of knife Godzilla would carry?  Multi-tool, or would they be too hard to open?  Fixed blade, maybe a Smatchet Cas Iberia Viking Sword as a neck knife?  Auto or manual folder - Cold Steel pocket sword (Voyager XL Vaquero)?  Perhaps a Spyderco Salt since he seems to spend a lot of time in the ocean?

At 8:22 on August 29, 2024, Alan Vetter said…

Hi Kevin. Apologies for not seeing this sooner. My profile pic was a stock photo, but dad is an avid tool collector and has boxes and boxes of those things. Actually he WAS an avid tool collector until mom put the brakes on him because they were running out of room in the house. She understands the passion for collecting, but his addiction was making life a bit difficult. He too is a fan of Stanley anything. Stay well and thanks!

At 11:18 on July 20, 2024, J.J. Smith III said…

Always good too have more friends, Kevin.

At 5:57 on June 9, 2024, Bill Martinson said…

The top row is all old western from Boulder Colorado then there is Case,Buck,Schrade,

Puma,Solinger. I have 228 fix blase and 803 pocket knives.

At 20:08 on January 30, 2022, Lars Ray said…

Hey man...thanks for the friend request...of course I accepted! As for sending private messages, this is just fine - but if you truely want to send a private message - use the iKC email - upper right hand corner of your page in the area of your name, sign out, Fried requests, etc...

I wanted to start a formal stand-alone CFK group, but I could not accurately gauge  if it would be accepted or not - so I started the it as a sub-group in the Box Full of Knives Box of Knives. I'm glad i did - as I commented to Lead Left Knife Guy , I seem to be the only one playing in that sand box at the moment, and I'm not sure my ego could manage no one join a group!  LoL!

Right now it looks like it's just my thread....but if you add a post to it, then it will be as it is intended - a place to appreciate the CFK/iPAC brand.

At 23:45 on February 8, 2021, J.J. Smith III said…

At 19:42 on February 6, 2021,
Charles Sample

Kevin, thank you for joining the Arsenal group.

At 15:07 on February 4, 2021, Steve Scheuerman (Manx) said…

Just ask if you need a hand! Or stick your head into the Chatroom and give a holler.

At 14:37 on February 4, 2021, Steve Scheuerman (Manx) said…

Hey there, Kevin! Welcome to iKnife! Come on in, kick back and check things out. There's some handy tips on our front page to help you find your way around, and some fantastic people in the Chat room if you have any questions or want to shoot the breeze. Site rules are also on the main page, and if you get creative, you can customise your My Page to suit your own style! Hope you enjoy your stay with us! Great to have you on board!


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