Now that is way too controversial to talk about here!

You know we all are passionate about topics we feel strong about- for some folks it's football (War Eagle!), for others it's religion (..let's not go there), for others it is politics (...don't go there either), but there are many others.

Really though there are hot topics with just about every subject matter and when you mix a room full of individuals together (virtually or real world) there is always the potential for heated discussions... cause we just see things differently.

We have been very fortunate here at iKnifeCollector. I have watched, for going on two years now, our members abide by our community "understandings." We all get along very well considering all the different opinions and preferences represented. And do you know what? These differences make our community unique...and interesting. 

Like you, I enjoy meeting knife folks from all over the world- folks who like different type knives- some production and others handmade, some brand new and others covered with patina, some great big Rambo type knives, while other knives are those little pearl Sunday knives.

One thing I've witnessed about our community too is our respect for each other and how well we allow our fellow members to have, and share their opinions. Do we always agree with each other? No we don't, but we handle it like good neighbors- not feuding kinfolks.

With all this said, I do have a question though. And while I don't want to discuss all the particulars here (not right now anyway), I do want to get your opinion on this question-


What do you think is THE most controversial topic you've seen talked about when it comes to knives?


 It goes without saying- I don't want any people's names here or any of the actual details of the argument, only high-level topics and/or identifying the subject matter.


...I'm just curious :)



Views: 342

Tags: controversial, debate, discuss, educate, subject, topic

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Comment by BAUFFE André on January 28, 2011 at 11:43

Amateur de couteaux = gens dangereux.

Collectionneur de couteaux = vous aimez voir couler le sang !!!!

Comment by MICHAEL MAYFIELD on January 28, 2011 at 11:37

There is so much general discussion over the right to bare arms, and I feel that many opinions are based on slanted media/government statistics. Granted crime and homeland security are very high priorities, however without enough First Responders all the monies invested in advance technology is wasted. Many States received additional funds to improve their Homeland Security efforts, while laying off Police and Fire personnel due to budgetary limitation.  We as law abiding citizens can not relay on a timely response by law enforcement when we are being victimized.  While on the other side of the coin we can't take the law into our own hands, there needs to be a compromise.

Thanks Scott for that smooth introduction, good job.


In Memoriam
Comment by D ale on January 28, 2011 at 11:23
@ Don .. Yup
Comment by Robert G. Mitchell on January 28, 2011 at 11:16
Let’s see, about the only controversy I ever have about my knives is “why do you keep buying them”, and of course that’s coming from my wife. I try to tell her it’s my hobby, my money, so what’s the big deal. She just can’t seem to rap her mind around it. Well I can’t seem to rap my mind around 10 handbags, and 20 to 30 pars of shoes. Same old story!

In Memoriam
Comment by D ale on January 28, 2011 at 10:49

TRENT : Low morality vs color red


where's the controversy .. tis a known fact

Comment by Steve wells on January 28, 2011 at 8:56

I think  all topic could be in the "controversial catagory", because we all have different opinions on any

subject we discuss. But the information that come from these disscussions are educational to all that

join in the conversation of these topics. Iknife Collector is a place of learning for all knife collectors.


Just my opinion of course.

Comment by James Cole on January 28, 2011 at 8:50

Sorry Scott, I haven't seen anyone pee on someone else's shoes.  Perhaps I haven't followed the right threads.  

It is possible that this next thought may cause some people to stop posting.  Please use the spell checker and proofread what you write before you click the add comment button.  And just for clarification; loose is not tight and lose is no longer in your possession.

Comment by DELBERT COVER on January 28, 2011 at 8:26
The only time I have seen blood pressures go up is when I say I don't collect any of the newer knives. Some get a little huffy and say they can't afford to but the old real collectable knives.
Comment by Tom Sigler on January 28, 2011 at 7:01
Is this where you can rant?  Well I've got a bone to pick with the TSA laws.  I'm a law-abiding citizen who has been carrying a pocket knife of one persuasion or another for over 60 years.  Now I have to leave it home or put it in my checked luggage (which I don't normally have)  in order to be allowed on the plane.  Yet I can carry a nice sharp pencil or many other everyday items without anyone saying a thing.
Comment by Charles Ray Wagnor on January 28, 2011 at 6:37

After thinking on this for a while I decided I do have a thing to say. Usually just set back and read, and

be a follower. Politics and religion in a knive get togeather situation is kinda like that white stuff on top

of chicken poop. Its still chicken shit. Every one has there own openion. Discuss it some where else.

Everyone has there own religion, discuss it some where else. If your a Preacher or the Pres. of these United States, leave your tital and your beliefs on that subject at the damn door.  Come on in and

give us some of your life experiances on knives, and guns, and girlfriends, or hot cars, or your hobby.

So, I don't see that happening, so I just set over here and read whats going on. I love to sharpen knives, and man I know all differnt ways to do it now.  I will be 60 next wed. and seem to find my self more

and more just saying what is on my mind. So yall watch out, Ol Charlie might try to horn in on your conversations,  and you might have to get Scott to tell me to calm down. LOL

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