I collect Vintage Knives and I'm sure alot of our members do too. It's fun collecting knives from the yester years. Some we have heard how well they were made and their performance in the feild was hard to beat. The old time construction and the amount of labor put into each one is hard to match in the knife world today. My question for ya'll is "Has anyone bought a vintage knife with a great reputation, to become a user knife". I would like to buy one of the old time knives of our forefathers and put it back to work. I don't mean getting a mint knife from 1920, worth a $1000 and start using it, but one in  used shape and a lower price range. Check it out to see what the old timers were bragging about. Let me know what ya'll think.

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Comment by Steven Matthew on December 8, 2012 at 7:00
I love rusty old knives. Sometimes I clean em up. Sometimes I don't. I tend to carry them just as much as any other Knife I own. Hard to beat the quality of the past.
Comment by Sue OldsWidow on December 7, 2012 at 17:41

Sounds like a fun thing to do. ....vintage used knives can be bought for very reasonable prices

since they are not in collectable condition, but they most definately have the carbon steel blades and

such that make them durable and useable.....GO FOR IT !

Comment by Craig Henry on December 7, 2012 at 17:18

I've never done it, but I'read on other forums about guys doing it. In fact some of them carry old knives I thought looked too nice and valuable and should be put up for history sake if nothing else! Maybe they were just trying to impress or shock people?

Comment by Jan Carter on December 7, 2012 at 15:48

What pattern are you thinking about Robert?  Donnie has a set of Case stags from about the 50's that belonged to his Dad.  Dad used them so Donnie does too.  Not to often but every once in a while he will get one out and use it for  a month or so and then put it back. I think it is a great idea

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