A knife by committee.....can it be done?

Allright. All my projects are temporarily on hold because of things like heat treat/waiting for materials.

But I still want to play around with steel. So I've decided to design a knife by comittee.

Here's how this works. I need input from all of you, as much as possible. Everyone who responds please give me the following information as to what you'd like to see me make.

Steel, I have 3 options,

  • 2mm thick OW3 steel,
  • 5,6mm thick OW3 steel or
  • an old Nicholson file.

Next, specify what SIZE blade you'd like to see.

Let me give you a few options,

  • 2" blade
  • 3" blade
  • 4" blade
  • 5" blade
  • 6" blade

or something in between, please state.


  • Droppoint
  • Clippoint
  • wharncliffe
  • traditional tanto
  • american tanto
  • anything else you'd like to see

Handle shape

please describe as best as you can. This will be a full tang knife because I already have three hidden tang knives waiting to be finished and they're a LOT more work.

We'll get to handle material later, when the thing has been heat treated and everything. But it could be either standard handle slabs or a cordwrap. Or maybe something in leather? I don't know. Anything cool that would work with a fulltang knife.

And also add any details that you might like.

Once a lot of options are given by people....I'll combine the most populair options into a knife.

I'm really looking forward to hearing what you all would like to see and making something cool out of it.

Also I'll be keeping you guys up to date with pictures about the knife build.

Views: 450

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Comment by Vance Wade Hinds on July 14, 2013 at 18:42

I vote B then C

Comment by Jan Carter on July 14, 2013 at 15:21


Followed by A

Comment by Alexander Noot on July 14, 2013 at 14:12

Please keep in mind...they're just rough sketches. I can still thin out the bladewidth or the handle width or anything like that.

Comment by Alexander Noot on July 14, 2013 at 14:11

Allright. Made a couple of sketches. Easy peasy. Choose, A.B.C or D :-) I can always (and probably will) tweak the blade a little more. But this'll give you a basic idea of what a knife will look like with a handle option.

Put a Queen Stockman in the picture for a size reference and the to be used billet of steel just for fun.

Comment by Vance Wade Hinds on July 13, 2013 at 14:21
Coffin handle some kind of bone or stag
Comment by Alexander Noot on July 13, 2013 at 7:40

That's 3 votes for a flatgrind if no one opposes this one then droppoint flatground it will be.

Handle votes?

Rounded handle, teardrop handle, coffin handle or mountainman handle (I believe that's all that's all the suggested versions so far?)

If no preference is given then I'll go for a rounded handle with  slight drop. Like in the picture with the little stag handled knife.

Comment by Jan Carter on July 12, 2013 at 17:33

Flat grind it is then!

Comment by Brad T. on July 12, 2013 at 16:32

Flat grind, keep it easy.

Rounded handle.

and a warm colored wood.

Comment by Vance Wade Hinds on July 12, 2013 at 16:16

I vote for flat ground then.


Comment by Alexander Noot on July 12, 2013 at 2:01
I can do a hollow grind. I recently got a grinding wheel so I should be set up for that. I just need to get a tooling arm to hang the wheel on and I should be good to go.

Other than that I could do a flat grind, or a sabre grind, or a convex grind.

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