In just a little over a week Larry will be taking his trip to Tulsa Ok with Brad Vice.  They do this twice a year and have a really good time with some wonderful friends.  This is a great show but like all shows you just knock on wood and keep your fingers crossed you break even.  We are hoping that this will be Larry's last show until the new year.  December is a really big month for us.  Our youngest son has his birthday and Christmas Holidays.  The kids are all home at once and it is time to relax and catch up with each other.  Another reason he needs to be able to take the time off is our oldest Tamera, the one who makes the mini knives, will be heading out to Boot Camp in Great Lakes, ILL.  She enlisted in the Navy in June.  She has wanted to do this most of her life and we are happy she is realizing a dream.  So for the next couple of months, keep us in your thoughts and prayers.  Life is going to be interesting! But what is new?

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Comment by Larry and Tina Pridgen on October 28, 2013 at 12:15

Thanks Jan and Steve!  After she gets done with boot camp and A school, her recruiter says she should be allowed to work on her minis board ship on her own time but she has several made up ahead of time if they make it through Christmas. Then everyone will have to wait for 27 weeks for more!!

Comment by Jan Carter on October 27, 2013 at 17:01

I hope the show is wonderful and profitable!

Have fun and be safe Larry.

Tina, This will be the holidays where you are all togeather....relax and enjoy it!

White River Knives

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