Can you help me ID this pocketknife?

I bought this and the seller ssaid it was an "IMCO" knife.  I never heard of it but it wass inexpensive so I bought it.  Yeh I know.

Got home went thru my limited books.  Could not find anything like IMCO.

The knife is very dirty and blades are rusted to heck & back.  Can barely open them.  I'll have to throw some oil at it.

And then I couldn't read the engraving.  I used a little bitty wood scraper (like chicks use on their fingernails. It works good doesn't do any damage) to clesan some dirt off.  Then I could almost read it with my 30x jewelers loupe.

Inside a paralellogram (a rectsngle kind of pushed at an angle) it says:" I.N. Co"  But could be I.K or I.X.  Driving me crazy!!

Now back to the books  no IX or IK but there is IN Co (no periods) used by Imperial and it says it is in a rectangle (good enough for me) or in a diamond (nope).

But without the periods I'm just not sure.  It's a Scout knife and I know Imperial made them under a lot of names.  I have another one.

Can anyone out there give me a better clue as to the maker on this knife?  I can draw a picture of what I am seeing but the camera doesn't pick it up at all.


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Comment by Lee Saunders on March 7, 2012 at 21:05

Thanks Trip

Comment by Scott Rauber on March 7, 2012 at 17:08

IKCO , I.K. CO. = Imperial Knife Co.

White River Knives

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