collecting knives a passion or addiction

I don't know about you guy's but i say it is a passion my wife on the other hand think's it has turned into a addiction.what ever it may be thats what i love to do.like so many others on this site knives is our lives from collecting them to selling,or trading to making them it is our life.now i grant you there is a lot worse things we could with our money .but this hobby hurt's no one and helps alot.and you meet so many good people in this hobby that it has made me get up in the morning and forget all the bad things going on in this world .if it is only for a little while.this site and all the friends i have meet on here makes my day a little better.and i know if it helps me it helps alot of people on here.so i want to say thanks i. k. c.for making my day and others a little brighter....

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Comment by KENT GABLE on May 22, 2011 at 19:46
A guy just can't have too many knives, guns or fish'n equipment! Whatever you want to call it ain't important. Some folks just don't understand. 
Comment by Billy Oneale on May 9, 2011 at 22:33
I agree with Jan. I think a passionate obsession states it clearly.My wife just looks at me and says, you just bought some knives and I tell her yes, what do you want dear! Now she has a cart at the food network site full of some Rachael Ray cooking  items. I guess it works both ways. I enjoy all the members and friends here at iKC a lot. I look forward to seeing what is going on here and I never run out of pictures to drool over.If you don't own them , it helps just to look and drool over some knives that someone else has. Anyway it has turned out to be a more expensive hobby than what I thought it would be when I started.
Comment by Jan Carter on May 9, 2011 at 17:18
I always say its a passionate obsession!!  Being here sure makes it more fun and the folks we meet here are the BEST!!
Comment by J.J. Smith III on May 9, 2011 at 15:29
Thanks for being an active member, Stephen.  I've been here for most of the run, so far, and find that the more you get involved, the more enjoyable experiance is had.

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on May 9, 2011 at 15:26
Stephen, one guys knife collection might be worth 100 dollars and the next guys is worth 10,000 dollars it doesn't matter on here, we are all equalls. I think we collect knives for the fun and the friends with alot of interesting educational facts and history that keeps us always looking for something new. The more I learn the more I want to learn. Thanks for being part of that.

White River Knives

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