
This week just no one is bidding on any of my knives.

Yet I bid on just one knife and today I lose by one dollah

Why can't those peeps bid on the knives I am selling instead of the knife I am trying to buy?


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Tags: eBay, trends

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Comment by Lee Saunders on April 20, 2012 at 23:09

Finally peeps started bidding on my knives.  Sold 5 yesterday (Thursday) and nine in the last week!  Nothing expensives but some real nice knives and total was about $250 which with a little tossed in will buy me an antique switchblade that I have been looking at. 

Either the Schrade with red celluloid handles or the Edgemaster Paratrooper with tin handles.  I wish I could afford both but at least the guy will do a lay-away plan!  So maybe I will buy both of them. 

 Pics when I get em!!

Comment by Lee Saunders on April 11, 2012 at 22:37

Steve, James...you guys are so right.  The number of items has gone way up, the number of bidders has gone way down.  Prices for collectibles has dropped off the table over the last few years.

Robert---you are right on.  The family must come first and people are hurting a lot worse than we may realize.

It is a good time to buy and a bad time to sell.

That's why I thought selling my less expensive knives might go well.  Most are $25-$50, a couple in the $100 range and  a handful that are $10 or less.  I'm not tryna get rich off folks.  I'll just be patient and take my time.

There are two I expected a lot of interest in but maybe things are telling me to keep them.

Like the Schrade knife.  It is not an antique. 30 years old, a Silver anniversary knife...they make so many anniversary knives. But....  It left the factory in an unfinished state.  The handles never got a finalcut orsanding or jigging.  The shield didn't get placed.  Just a lot of small things did not get done. Meaning for a Schrade guy this is a knife no one else has.

Well lots of people look, a few watch.  No one has bid so I think I'll just keep it for myself.  It's a valuable knife with a good story.


Comment by Lee Saunders on April 11, 2012 at 21:03

I know you are right James.  Pieces that I wanted 2-4 years ago are often now 20% cheaper or more. But knives that are $500-$1000 are still awfully expensive for us retired dudes.

So I am offering my 2 dozen or so "inexpensive" blades so I can put together a bundle for one or two good ones.

Somebody will buy....it will just take longer.  And maye someone will take your advice./

Goodluck with your customs.  Things need to pick up for all of us.

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on April 11, 2012 at 17:35

I watch Ebay alot and the bids have gone down steady for at least nine months. Sometimes no bid on a great knife. There is alot of people hurting out there, probably more than we realize. The family must come first, a knife collection must wait. Sometimes you can make a great deal because of this down trend.

Comment by Lee Saunders on April 11, 2012 at 16:49

Hi James

I use thevoodoodr  Just a group of inexpensive pocketknives, nothing exciting really.  I can't bring myself to give up the ones I really like....yet. 

But when I get some of the expensive ones that I want in my crosshairs....I will pull the trigger on ome real collectors pieces.  Gotta give up some to afford the ones I really want.

White River Knives

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