we all have more knives than we need,i say lets give one to someone else,when we get a new knife we smile,give one and two people smile,two for one.cant beat that.lets not talk that were knife people lets show it.a rough rider is as good as a case,its the keeping the spirit alive.we will all be able to say we arnt just sayers were doers,were knife people!

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Comment by Jan Carter on September 21, 2013 at 19:21


I was recently the recipient of one of those jestures and it was fantastic!  A surprise and it did bring a smile to me.  This is a great idea

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on September 21, 2013 at 15:07

For sure, I hope more members play. We have some good entries already. That's a Free Knife with Free shipping, what more do they want. There's not many clubs with all the advantages, as this one. Let's see some Pictures, folks.....

Comment by Charles Sample on September 21, 2013 at 14:46

I agree with you totally Robert.  The reason for posting my comment the way I did is because I am trying to promote interest in and participation in the iKC Arsenal group.  I know many of the iKC members are also hunters or shooters.  Since starting the contest ten members have joined the Arsenal group but that still makes only 48 members in the group.  I know there are many more of the iKC members that are shooters also.  I would like to see more of them in the Arsenal group.  I am trying to reach out as many different ways as I can to them.  I was hoping my comment might catch someone's interest in the contest and the group.

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on September 21, 2013 at 14:10

Charles, one lucky winner, will win that knife I have. Some people have given knives to others, here in IKC, without any fan fare. If you see someone that deserves a knife, then go ahead and get'em one. You don't need to tell everyone. We have some good people here, that we call IKC members.

Comment by Charles Sample on September 21, 2013 at 10:49

I ordered two Rough Riders during Knives Live last night.  I am going to add one of them to the list of prizes in the iKC Arsenal knife give away contest. 


White River Knives

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