Holy Moly--- More Knives For May??

Well, you can probably tell from my recent string of photos that I have already blown my May knife buying budget.  Ooooops!

So of course what was I doing yesterday?  Trolling eBay and some of my long time sellers as well as looking for something special.

Bumped right into something from a guy who has bought and sold and even traded a lot of knives, and a few guns,  with me.  And he had something that I had just recently learned about.

You know how it is when you just learn about something and then bang!  Everytime you turn the corner you run into one?

You never saw a red car before, and now they are everywhere!!

So, I am really looking forward to getting this sweet Napanoch Knife Company knife and tool kit.

Napanoch had their heyday 1900-1919 and then got taken over.  But some employees brought the company back to life for a few years in the 1930s.  Anyway, my purchase is from the pre-WWI era.

It is a leather pouch and within the pouch is a knife with a handle that also holds six other tools in place:

     *   a regular screwdriver

     *   a drill bit

     *   a punch

     *   a curved hook

     *   a file

     *   a chisel

and, of course the cutting blade that makes up the full 7 blades of this beautiful 100 year old tool kit.

So now I have to sell some knives---or some thing?? to make up for the dollars I spent for this goodie. 

We will see how long I keep it before I wind up selling it to someone.  I have to spend some time enjoying it.


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Comment by stephen tungate on May 10, 2012 at 13:52

very nice i have not seen one like that with so many tools you know lee thats a great one for anyones cxollection......

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on May 10, 2012 at 13:04

Lee, that's a fine vintage set you have there. It looks very valueable and in good shape for its age.

Comment by Lee Saunders on May 10, 2012 at 10:07

Nice!!  Thank you Sue...

Comment by Sue OldsWidow on May 10, 2012 at 7:49


interesting article about one another guy bought too! and some history

Comment by Sue OldsWidow on May 10, 2012 at 7:34

Nice find........someone was proud to own that since it is still in such great condition.......WTG

Comment by Lee Saunders on May 9, 2012 at 21:49

There is the straight writing (not the curved) and it says NAPANOCH over KNIFE CO. over N.Y.

That's on the knife tang.  I'm not sure if there is anything on the other tools.  And I couldn't see anything but the writing.

I know very little about Napanoch.  I had a couple of knives over the years.  I know they are important historically as far as pantents and such.  I know Winchester bought them out but they never used the name after that.  Winchester must have sold it to the old Napanoch employees that used it for a few years in the 30s.  But I don't really know much more than that.

White River Knives

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