Well, I don't know how everyone else is faring from the summer heat but my brains are about baked and it's only the first week in July! Here in North Texas we get some pretty good heat during the summers. When I was younger I could handle it with no problems. Well so far June ended up the 4th hottest average temperature ever in my part of the country. Now after 5 days of July we are in a over 100 streak every day.


The forecast is not any help either. The 7 day forecasts most news channels are giving look like some kind of binary code: 1001001011011009999. Ah so maybe we break out of the hundreds this next weekend? No chance since the weather men all keep changing the forecast.


Any chance we could dig our state out and float it up the pacific coastline towards Alaska for the rest of the summer?


I noticed the heat might be affecting some other parts of the nation. Anyone else getting dizzy from the heat?

Here is my current outside temperature.

Click for Lake Dallas, Texas Forecast 

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Comment by Wayne Whitted on August 3, 2011 at 23:34

111 degrees here at my home today.  The AC could not keep up. It was 88 degrees inside my house for most of the day.


Maybe I could go to the Bass Pro Shop and "hibernate" until October. I think I can sleep in the display tents and eat the trout from the pond.

Comment by Wayne Whitted on July 31, 2011 at 18:19

Well, here it is the end of the month and we are still in a "over 100" stretch that has lasted for 30 days in a row now. This next weeks forecasts call for over 104 and higher all week. Looks like August is here and coming in with a hot blast!

 Click for Fort Worth, Texas Forecast

Comment by Wayne Whitted on July 24, 2011 at 13:25

Someone sent this to me in the email. Thought it was pretty funny. It is still over 100 everyday here and the forecast is 7 days out and still the same. We are starting to set records.

 Click for Lake Dallas, Texas Forecast

Comment by J.J. Smith III on July 20, 2011 at 15:38

106 this afternoon...


That's hot for SC, especially with the humidity...

Comment by Wayne Whitted on July 19, 2011 at 18:52

Well we are still in an over 100 degree stretch of at least 18 days in a row and there seems to be no end in sight yet.


 Click for Hickory Creek, Texas Forecast

Comment by J.J. Smith III on July 19, 2011 at 18:45

It was nice, this past weekend.  COLD front must have come through, never broke 90.  Those were the only 3 days, since wid May that the highs didn't reach at least. 90


It hit 102 here today, with an index of 112.

Comment by Jan Carter on July 19, 2011 at 18:34


Ya'll Ok down there?

Comment by Wayne Whitted on July 15, 2011 at 17:34

Well, I got a 107 reading on my thermometer right outside my window. Locally the news is saying it is closer to 105. No relief in sight. It looks like it will be one for the record books.


 Click for Hickory Creek, Texas Forecast

Comment by Wayne Whitted on July 10, 2011 at 22:40

My grass is just about fully browned out. Mowing has been infrequent this year but the occasional rain storm keeps it coming back. I would just light a match to it if I could. Would save me some time and the grass would probably come back better after, but with the drought and burn bans I will just keep mowing it.


We are in a long consecutive streak of over 100 degree days and the forecast looks like another 7 days straight again this week. Hmmmm, how long is it until September again? Mid September is usually when we start the downward slide in temps.

Comment by Billy Oneale on July 9, 2011 at 21:36
It was around a 111 to 112 in west OK today. Really dry this year. We have only had about 2" of rain at my house since last fall. I've only had to mow 2 times this year.

White River Knives

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