The system hosting iKC is continually working to make our community better. For several months, enhancements have been in the works. Overnight they were rolled out.

One of these new features is another communication tool for our members. It's called STATUS. Many of you have it on your My Page now. I do and I like it! For you who don't, I'm checking if you add it from your settings area.

Basically STATUS- let's you post a note on your My Page about activities, announcements and general info you want to share. This is one of the most frequently used features over at FaceBook and I'm glad they added it.

You can even post a link to an upcoming event you are going to so others can learn more about it.

It is limited to 140 characters and is intended for short snippets.

Check it out and if you don't have it at the top of your My Page check your settings area.

There are other new features too, one of which is the new NING Apps providing additional functionality of your My Page. Look around and tonight I'll share what else I find.

While at times new features and alterations by the system are different. Let's keep an open mind. Explore and play with them giving them a chance. Somethings I can delete, others I can not. So, let's use them and not freak out. :)

More tonight-

Views: 27

Tags: change, features, new, ning, status

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In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on September 17, 2009 at 7:12
Yeah, actually, Max- I failed to know- due to my own fault- the change was being made in the network. I could have put a note in the NEWS informing the members something was coming down.
As a result of that "incident" I have subscribed to two areas for timely updates so hopefully next time I'll be ahead of the curve not behind and can then let y'all know.
Comment by J.J. Smith III on September 9, 2009 at 15:20
Nice little feature, but I too didn't know what to make of it when I checked in this morning...Reminds me of one of those programmed signs that you can change at will.

In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on September 9, 2009 at 14:28
Max- you crack me up. You know I would have never told our friends here it was you. LOL
Glad you came around. Actually it kinda freaked me out too at first. I thought we'd been hacked. But glad to report just some new stuff to play with :)

In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on September 9, 2009 at 12:44
Thanks Doc- I think it's a great little tool. Sharing is what community is all about. We didn't really have a good way before this- short of Chat.
Comment by DrBlade on September 9, 2009 at 12:02
The ststus feature seems like a great way to get toget to know people on ikc. The more people use it the better it will be. Scott thanks for all the time you are puting into the site to make it better.

White River Knives

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