An axiom in the knife world you've probably heard is- "A knife only becomes yours when it decides to taste your blood."

Sure we all own knives we think are ours but from the knife's point of view- it only agrees to be yours at the time it decides to taste your blood.

Well I am proud to say my new EDC agreed to be mine yesterday.

The story is kinda funny and illustrates how careless we knife guys/gals can be (or maybe just me). Many of you know I got a Strider PT a month ago. I've carried it 'bout everyday since then, but it was only until yesterday it finally agreed to be mine.

I have this odd habit of opening and closing the knife- while it is still in my pocket. Well it bit me yesterday, but not as you'd have expected. Instead of snapping down on my finger while I was playing with it, I had evidently unknowingly left it partially open. I guess I was on the phone or something the last time I hinged it and needless to say, I didn't close it.

You guessed it- I was fumbling for a cell phone, money clip or lighter or something when my knife decided it liked me and was ready to bond. I felt it immediately. O' Happy Day! (I didn't know how long it would let me carry it thinking it was mine- while it took it's ever-loving time deciding if it liked me.)

Happy Ending. We are now one- Blood Brothers. It drank my blood.


Back a few months ago, CutleryNewsJournal and the National Knife Collectors Association, in conjunction with YouTube's CutleryLover ran a contest- The first place winner's vid was "A Taste of Blood." It was produced and submitted by a fellow iKC member- Ms. Ally Burnham.

Thought you'd appreciate it.

We did a follow- up interview with Ally here. Looks like a pretty simply video, doesn't it? She had over 100 hours invested in producing it. Her creativity is amazing. Did you notice the knife filling up with her blood?

Views: 35

Tags: ally, blood, burnham, edc, mine, strider

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Comment by David Hawkins on September 17, 2009 at 20:12
Along with a "break it you buy it" policy many store proprietors have, maybe you should enforce a "you bloody it, you buy it" policy. Or charge them a modestl cleaning and disinfecting fee. You don't have to submit an answer, but I wonder how many knives we collectors buy that already have blood on them. Maybe you should sell UV light kits as well?

At least I will tell you that you are not alone, I've heard the same story from several knife dealers that I regularly buy from. They do keep a little peroxide, cotton balls, and band aids on hand just for that reason.

In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on September 17, 2009 at 18:59
Here you go-
Tell them some mystical story about the knife lore of knives becoming blood brothers.....to the point they begin to feel the destiny of being one with the knife that just bit them....then take the cash they have and tell'm you send the knife when they finish paying it off. :)
Comment by Brad Hyde on September 17, 2009 at 18:47
It amazes me how many of my "potential" customers cut themselves while checking out one of my knives at the gun & knife shows that I do. Seems to happen about once every other show. So now I carry a large supply of band aids and I jokingly tell them if they leave their DNA on one of my knives they just bought it. With reading this latest discussion..I haven't figured out how I'm going to tell them that the knife now owns them.

In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on September 17, 2009 at 16:54
Thanks David- you made my day! Got a good chuckle.
Comment by David Hawkins on September 17, 2009 at 16:42
Do these work too?
1) Is a car not yours until you've gone through its windshield?
2) Is a firearm just a noisemaker until you shoot yourself in the foot?
3) Does a ladder remain aloof until you have fallen from it?
4) Is a fire just not intimate enough until you burn yourself?
5) Is that food grater not really yours until you've turned all your dinner guests into unwitting cannibals?
6) Does Nike retain ownership of your shoes until you've sprained your ankle?
7) Does Microsoft transfer ownership of that keyboard to you once you are diagnosed with carpel tunnel?
9) Do you have to be bitten by a shark to become one with nature?
10) Is that pneumatic nail gun not yours until you have securely fastened your hand to your forehead?
11) Is a razor not yours until you have cut yourself shaving with it?
12) Are you really a witch if you don't sink and drown?

Happy healing Scott.
Comment by J.J. Smith III on September 17, 2009 at 16:16
The new "J.J. carver" from ckc finally decided to be mine 3 days ago.

White River Knives

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