TOPEKA – Gov. Sam Brownback is preparing to sign a bill allowing Kansas residents to carry concealed firearms without a permit.

The Republican governor’s office set the Statehouse signing ceremony for Thursday. Legislators approved the measure last week, and the new law would take effect July 1.

The National Rifle Association says Kansas will become the fifth state to allow concealed carry without a permit everywhere.

Kansas still would issue permits for gun owners who want to carry concealed in other states that recognize Kansas permits. A person seeking a Kansas permit must undergo eight hours of firearms training.

Supporters of the bill said gun owners have shown they can be trusted to carry concealed.

Critics of the measure say the state should require some training to carry concealed.

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Comment by Charles Sample on April 28, 2015 at 1:51

Unfortunately Leo, the gun banners are not interested in the facts.  They don't care that guns in the hands of law abiding citizens reduce crime.  Their goal is pure and simple, to ban guns.

This is aptly illustrated by something that happened after the Stockton school yard shootings in 1989.  Congress was holding its mandatory hearings to ban guns.  An NRA official was testifying before the Senate committee.   The official stated that the NRA would not help to control guns but would do everything it could to help control crime.  Senator Metzenbaum (spelling?) lost his cool and showed his and most gun banners true colors.  He blurted out, "We are not here to control crime!  We are here to control guns!"

Comment by Tristan on April 4, 2015 at 10:51
That's awesome news!!!! And a great win for the Second Amendment!!!
Comment by John Bamford on April 2, 2015 at 14:48

The NRA Steve , that's your best hope I think.

Comment by John Bamford on April 2, 2015 at 13:57

That is how it is in the UK Tim !

Comment by tim payne on April 2, 2015 at 13:49

Agree with you John.  "If they outlaw weapons from all, only the outlaws will be left with weapons"

Comment by John Bamford on April 2, 2015 at 13:02

It must be good to live in a country where self defence is considered legitimate , here you are supposed to wait till the police turn up .

Comment by tim payne on April 2, 2015 at 12:30

Absolutely Agree Hog....

Comment by tim payne on April 2, 2015 at 12:21

Be like the days of the old west again....  already looking for me a new Pistola.  Probably end up with one of my son-in-laws pistols.

White River Knives

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