Around this time of year I trek up to near Gatlinburg, TN for the Parker's Knife Show. This particular show is billed as "The Greatest Show on Earth," and while I admit is it good, is it the greatest? I don't think so. Actually I think the Blade Show in Atlanta takes top billing, but Parker's Show is the first knife show I attended, back some years ago and is now my sentimental favorite.

I'll never forget. I got there before the doors opened and sat in the car wondering what to expect from a knife show. Didn't really know what to expect.....other than just a bunch of knives.

When I entered the hall I remember seeing aisle after aisle, table after table, of knives. I know you wonder what else I expected, but the truth was I didn't know. I'd never been to a show before.

I also didn't understand all the hoopla about knife shows. At the time I felt shows were no longer serving any real benefit. I saw them as a place old knife guys go to trade back and forth among themselves. Today, I have to admit, knife shows provide an excellent venue for finding knives- lots of them. Prior to iKC, I'd say they also allowed an attendee the opportunity to see different types of knives- many they'd never seen before. This exposure to other type knives is actually a good thing. It allows us to learn about knives we may have never seen or known about. (The truth is now with iKC we have that same opportunity without having to leave the farm. Last check we have over 7500 pictures of most different type knives and I love it.)

The other benefit knife shows serve is the one-on-one interaction among like-minded knife guys/gals, again, much like we do here at iKC (actually I consider iKC to be very similar to one big, 24/7/365 knife show in this regard too). Over the years, I have met many knife dealers and collectors at the Parker's Show. It is fun to pull up a chair behind their table and shoot the breeze. Inevitably, I end up getting a lesson, either on cutlery history or about a particular brand, or pattern, while enjoying great fellowship.

So, let me say this- if you have never attended a knife show, you owe it to yourself to go. You may have noticed fellow iKC members load upcoming knife shows they plan on attending in our iKC Event Calendar for you to attend (if you have your 2010 show calendar, please share it with us).

My goal for 2010 is to attend shows in other areas of the country. And yes, while I'm there, I'll pass out iKC flyers inviting those attending to come join our community :)

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Tags: knife-show

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In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on December 9, 2009 at 20:45
Hey Trent as a pure capitalist (I'm sure there is an economic term for it, but I didn't finish college, as you know, so don't know it), like a Keynesian :), I'd think you'd like the model they have gone to.

Seriously, this approach is VERY interesting. Sell spots to come to the show. REVENUE for the show promoter /SERIOUS BUYERS/EASIER TO APPEAL TO DEALERS- when you can say, "We've sold out every year and we charge $125 for these buyers to attend." Dealers will have to give a show like this serious consideration over the typical show model, where they buy a table, travel expenses, etc, in hopes to sell.

In the economy we are in, I'd imagine dealers are cutting back too, so this approach is VERY INTERESTING!
Comment by Trent Rock on December 9, 2009 at 20:33
They changed the Santa Barbara knife show to an "invitational"
I'm really upset
I guess the common man can't go look and buy knives anymore:
Formal invitations will be mailed out in early 2010. Cost to attend will be $125. Non-buyers admission will be available for $75. This will include a lunch served during the show, and a ticket to our legendary BBQ and wine event, held at the Gainey Vineyard Saturday evening.

Comment by Doug Sutherland on December 9, 2009 at 13:44
I attended the Blade show last year. I was impressed! I had a couple days and could not even take it all in those couple days. The closest show by me is still 3 hrs away but small in comparison.. I love chatting with all the makers also.

In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on December 9, 2009 at 12:06
You keep posting all the shows down there under Events and I may well do it! Thanks for the invite. You know I do travel quite a bit with my job and try to keep track of shows/events in the areas I go.
Comment by Bruce Piehl on December 9, 2009 at 11:17
Come on down Scott.

White River Knives

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