Yesterday, I sent this email to all iKC members. Please make sure your iKC email settings are set to receive email from me- scott@iknifecollector.com. I do periodically communicate to the members via email. I understand some of the members didn't receive my message so here it is.

I'm excited to announce iKC is having a 2010 club knife special ordered.

iKC is all about connecting, sharing and getting to know fellow like-minded collectors. 2009 has been a great inaugural year and we are only a dozen new members away from 1000 members. I expect 2010 to be even better. We are the cutting-edge community that is the talk of the knife world.

Allow me to introduce our 2010 iKC Club Knife. I've been working with A. G. Russell to develop this knife special for our community.

Our club knife is a modern-day Jumbo Swellcenter Sunfish style knife. The original Jumbo Swellcenter pattern was invented by C. Platts & Sons Cutlery Company, Eldred, Pa., right before the 20th Century. Over 100 years later, A. G. has reintroduced this popular pattern and is helping me produce a special knife order just for iKC.

The handle is 4 5/8" long. A hair over 1 1/2" wide, the blade is AUS10 and is 3 1/3" long and not quite 1/4" thick. It will have a round silver medallion shield etched iKC 2010.

The handle material is an exotic wood called Monkey Thorn, a member of the Acasia family. Here is a sample of the wood, A. G. send us.

If you know anything about A. G. Russell, then you know he only puts his name on high quality knives and while this knife is made in China, A. G. assured me he has worked to make this knife of the highest quality, in addition to the other knives he has had made with this same factory.

He plans to introduce this knife in early 2010 and we're getting in the first order. He has assured me he won't produce this knife in his regular line with Monkey Thorn in order to keep our club knife unique to us.

The price is $95, plus shipping and any PayPal fees, should you chose to pay through that payment system, otherwise, personal checks accepted. I'm working on setting up a cc payment through PayPal (you don't have to have a PayPal account to pay via with your card through this system).

I recognize $95 may be a bit on the high side for a club knife, let me say if it was made by Case or GEC, it would cost us three to four times that price at least. I'm totally comfortable with A. G.'s assurance of the high quality of this knife.

The propose of this email to determine if you are interested in getting this iKC Club Knife. I don't plan on ordering anymore than is committed for and have not marked up this knife.

If you have any questions or would like to commit to purchase the knife, please email me at scott@iknifecollector.com.

I have two weeks to place the order. I'd appreciate a response if you want one by this coming Friday, Dec. 18th. The knife is expected to be delivered sometime in February. No payment is necessary at this time. If you let me know you want one then I'll be in touch as I have more details.

Thanks for your support and participation.

Views: 277

Tags: club-knife, community-memorabilia

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Comment by Carl Newton on January 21, 2011 at 2:13
Scott, I'd like one, put me down for one.
Comment by Frank Evans on December 26, 2009 at 18:06
I want one!
Comment by Roger Cunningham on December 19, 2009 at 15:57
Scott,With the diversity of members we have here,i don`t think you could ever come up with a consensus on the knife picked to be the club knife.I`m not thrilled it`s made in China either.I know you had imput from others,But.You started the site.you run the site,you monitor the site,etc.It is and should be YOUR CHOICE.I belong to several clubs,I don`t get to pick the club knives,they`re never what I normally collect(antique),but I normally buy them.I will also buy one of these.

In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on December 16, 2009 at 12:10
Rick, I'll be sorely disappointed then, if you don't volunteer to be on the iKC Knife Committee. Can I count you in?
Comment by Rick Cothren on December 16, 2009 at 12:00
Although I do like the pattern, and feel it would be a good useable knife. Nothing against it with regard to that. But when you are producing a "Club" knife for a "Collectors" club then I feel it should be one that will be a collectors item for those that would be interested in owning/displaying it as such. For me this knife will never become a "collectible" due to its origin. Don't get me wrong I have no problem with foreign made knives and indeed do have a few in my collection. But Made In China is not an item that will ever have a place in my buy and hold collection.
Sorry but I have to agree with CJS and Sheila and respectfully decline purchasing this knife. Thanks for the opportunity and look forward to the next club knife.
Comment by J.J. Smith III on December 15, 2009 at 23:43
Yep, Jeff,
I see this as a knife that's been made available to us, and that there are 4 choices that can be made-
1 - You like it and buy it.
2 - You like it and don't buy it.
3 - You don't really like it, but you buy it anyway.
4 - You don't like it, for what ever reason, and you don't buy it.

The Indiana group created their own knife, I don't know why anyone else couldn't have their own made either. There are Scrimshanders and Engravers that could do the work with a supplied knife.

I had a Scrimshander make me a couple of knives, for "Uncle Wiskers' ", Might have him make me another with the iKC logo also. Really limited edition, 1 of 1.

I don't have the time for committee action either. Let the good times roll...

Comment by Rusty R Halsey on December 15, 2009 at 22:33
Sign me up! This is a great pattern that I couldn't afford otherwise, and it is available without waiting for any committee to talk it to death.
Comment by Ken Mundhenk on December 15, 2009 at 17:55

Count Me in. Its as close as I'm going to get to a jumbo swellcenter as long as Roger is lurking. He will slip up one of these days.
Comment by J.J. Smith III on December 15, 2009 at 0:11
Personally, I like the looks of that knife. It's definitely something that's not seen around.
The Chinese origin is bound to turn away some "Collectors", but I've always considered myself a "User" first. That knife looks like it could take on most anything that it came across.
On the surface it would seem relatively easy to set up a poll or a committee to come up with a club knife, but with the large number of members, I'd hate to see the discussions of which knife pattern or which maker should make the knife. Someone will always feel left out or will not want one.
I say I want one.
If there's a committee, for next year, I'll be busy that day, but will consider their recommendation.
Comment by Randy, HHH Knives on December 14, 2009 at 20:12
Scott, Ill take 2!!

White River Knives

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