Hey Guys, there are a ton of new faces since I was on IKC last, but the place looks great and I'm happy to see a lot of familiar faces out there. I used to be on here all the time, but I have been AWOL for some time. I want to apologize to my friends here for the abrupt disappearance.

I have been working at a great place and I really enjoy the people I work with, but like any job it's demanding and I have been having a hard time sorting out my time.

Family is always going to be number one and for good reason. I don't want to ignore them for the computer, or for knives, but I also didn't, and don't mean to leave my friends out in the could, as it were.

I will be posting on here as much as I can, but up until now I have been without words. It feels as though I am getting a desire to do some talking and who better to share with than my IKC family.

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In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on December 28, 2012 at 17:59

Welcome back good buddy! We'll do some "cutting up"...lol

Comment by J.J. Smith III on December 28, 2012 at 8:35

Welcome home, Johnny.

Comment by Brad T. on December 27, 2012 at 20:48
I am familiar with your many posts, while researching on this site. I look forward to your contributions. Welcome back.
Comment by Jan Carter on December 27, 2012 at 18:59

Seeing you here today brings a smile to my face.  You are right, life happens...family always come first and we will always be here for you as often as you can make it.  I promise to leave the door unlocked and the lights on :)

I am very pleased that you like the job and folks you work with.  Makes it all a little easier

Comment by johnny twoshoes on December 27, 2012 at 18:18
Steve, it is so great to see you and hear from you again.
I know you've been here all this time, but I feel as though I'm just now getting the chance to be online with fellow IKC members.

White River Knives




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