Okay guys, I just asked this question in the Arsenal, but this is a knife sight and I wanna know. If you had to leave your house tomorrow in a pressure, can't return for a while situation, what knife is going with you? It doesn't matter if it's some three foot long machete, tell us what you're taking and why?

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Comment by Joe Velazquez on August 8, 2012 at 18:20

If only one knife? Here in los Angeles it would be the short USMC fighting knife. I can run,climb and crawl with this baby boy by my side. It will cut, slice and poke without asking a question and it will make both gang members and pitbulls think about it. What other tool is more worthy  in the city of L.A.?


Comment by TERRY FOX on August 4, 2012 at 21:14

got to be my treeman combat machete with a D-guard.......just because its one bad mofo....it can chop down trees or limbs and the D-guard protects my hand or maybe bust some teeth. i think any one of the treeman combat knives are up to the chalenge. those knives take a beating or dishes em out just the same. youtube has a video of a serviceman trying to bust the blade on a steel drum using a treeman ultra phalanx combat knife. watching that video you woud understand why i would pick one of there knives over anyother brand. http://youtu.be/x2udhfPNwp8

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on August 2, 2012 at 9:07

I agree with Alex, I'd bring my 15" swamp knife. I could make camp, chop wood and clean fish and game with it. There's not dout, what I'd bring. Oh, I forgot, self defense.

Comment by Alexander Noot on August 2, 2012 at 5:18

Something fairly hefty if I had to probably.....big bowie sized knife. I find most bigger knives can do things the smaller ones can't but not the other way around....chopping things etc for instance.

Comment by Craig Henry on August 2, 2012 at 2:53

My Boker 8288 rosewood penknife with carbon steel blades, and my Boker red jigged bone 7588 stockman with carbon steel blades. Because......those are my best knife friends at the moment and I'm never without them.

Though I might grab my Mark 2 KA-BAR too as I charge out of the house depending on the "pressure" situation. If it's bad enough, I'd also be lugging my Mossberg Persuader with me.......with the dog........my wife is on her own.

In Memoriam
Comment by D ale on August 1, 2012 at 23:20

Whatever I have on me at that moment. Why .. because I'm leaving for something so important I don't have time to consider "which knife / knives". 

That's one of the reason's I have EDC's .... no thought involved .. reasonably prepared.

Today .. Queen's # 48 & my lil SS 2.0 auto.
Yesterday .. Queen's 06L & the lil supersquirt auto.


White River Knives

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