Long time no see guys! Movie interest, Knife update and teaser!!

Hey ya'll,

I haven't been around because of school and work. Summer school is officially over now, so hopefully I will make time for this place. I made an A in that class if anyone cares! Woot go me!

anyway, we've been looking into that new movie " the last house on the left" and totally bought the old 70's version. It was PRETTY crazy I must say. Of course there are some CORNY parts in it...but towards the end I couldn't stop thinking how intense it was for it's time.

So, now I can't wait to see it. I missed it in theaters (i remember seeing the trailer...but wasn't really interested) Now I am so excited about it coming to DVD in august.

I just refreshed myself and watched the trailer again...and someone uses a SPYDERCO knife. yeee haaaw. It looks like a serrated Endura. We will have to see...it was a flash and I couldn't quite tell..

I did make another knife review on my CRKT Drifter, which has gotten some pretty good hype. I hope I'm doing a good job on this reviewing thing...

I have ONE more knife I want to review...geeez I can't wait!! I bought this knife a little over a month ago and I haven't switched it out like I normally do with my other knives. They have all been neglected because of how badass this knife is.

I cannot tell you what is is...no one knows. I have teased in my review and I have teased on here...

you will be surprised with I do the review on this one...it's totally not something I would carry.


Also, I got a new kitty, her name is Tilly and she is adorable. Unfortunately, she is a pain in the ass compared to my other angels. I have gotten so many scratches from her!!!


Views: 39

Tags: CRKT, drifter, endura, house, kitty, last, left, on, spyderco, the

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Comment by Steve wells on July 21, 2009 at 14:38
Yo Lynsie congrats on the APPLE - wez be watinfors the ravu
Comment by Doug Scearce on July 8, 2009 at 4:38
What a way to end Summer School with an A!! That's Great Lynsie !!

In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on July 7, 2009 at 6:54
Hey Lynsie
You get we care that you made an "A." Heck we can't have folks failing because they are addicted to iKC (like my kids are on WOW)...LOL
Can't wait to see your new review...I"m sure it is going to be over the top!

White River Knives

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