It's true, my Buck 120 just bit me and I bled all over.  Of course, I was using it as a pry bar.  A few years ago a Kershaw Leek stabbed me in my left hand and I met a very nice hand surgeon.   I feel betrayed somehow when something I have an emotional bond with bites me.  Am I crazy or do you other knife people ever feel the same way?

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Comment by allanm on March 28, 2016 at 10:51

After muzzle loader deer season in November I came home from two weeks in the wild without my wife supervising and rebuking me for carelessness, I'm a little like Tracy Greentree.

I counted 15 or 16 nicks all over my left hand. I'm right handed, that was the result of my Buck Omni 10 point folder nipping me while field dressing, then skinning and quartering 3 buck - so not bad for all I did.

I went out to amazon and bought a pair of of Cry cut resistant gloves for the season this year, and added a Gerber Freeman guide folding gut hook, a Smith and Wesson "SWCAMP" camp set and a Havalon Piranta to my pack. All working knives of course, not the collectibles.

Comment by Richard Schuchman on March 27, 2016 at 12:26

I got a new BM Bedlam 860 a few weeks ago and was enjoying how you can just pull the axislock down and close it with a wrist flick. I thought I was pretty cool. Until one of my fingers didn't get the "All clear" memo and the blade, instead of swinging closed, swung into a resting position in the fleshy tip of my ring finger. Life was a care-free cabaret before this happened, but now... I make sure everything is out of the way, often even giving a visual check, before closing this knife. Definitely a breach of trust, which is why I switched to the 710 as my EDC. Just seems like more of a friend that would NEVER back stab me, or anywhere else. Plus the spring is a bit tighter and when I do the closing flick, it tends to close about 3/4th of the way and I do the rest with my thumb; like a good knife should.

Comment by Tracy Greentree on March 25, 2016 at 19:48

My wife laughs at me because I cut myself any time I'm around something sharp and I collect knives :)

Comment by Charles Sample on March 23, 2016 at 21:01

Should knife collecting be class as a bloody hobby!?  LOL

Comment by Jeremy B. Buchanan on March 23, 2016 at 20:40

My new knife bit me a few weeks ago too. At least it wasn't too bad.

Comment by Wendell Watson on March 23, 2016 at 19:55

hope you are ok.  and a 120 prybar??? really?

Comment by Jan Carter on March 9, 2016 at 18:47

Oh my!  Chris your boss probably wanted to faint !

I an almost see your dad's mind running..."no way I am going to be able to finish this knife today"

Comment by Charles Sample on March 9, 2016 at 13:21

Ouch Chris!  That hurts just reading it!

Comment by Chris Sievert on March 9, 2016 at 1:12

While working as a goldsmith I had a Pop Back watch come in needing a battery. Some watch companies put the case under vacuum to seal them. Needless to say my Bench Knife was just sharpened that morning and went ALL the way through the palm of my left hand! Of course I knew better than to pull it back out I walk to the Owners Office and calmly said I need to go to the Clinic lol. I thought the Manager was going to faint... 4 inches of handle on one side and 2 inches of blade sticking out the back.

Still doesn't beat my dad, he had a blade get away from the 2 HP buffing motor and end up in his Thigh! Talk about OUCH a Scottish Dirk stuck in his leg. I got to drive him to the ER that time.... a bit of a change.

Comment by Kiril Mitrashkov on March 4, 2016 at 0:15

Absolutely - everyone can hurt himself with a nail, glass, piece of metal (AMATEURS!), but now many people can do it with and adapter! :)

But when I saw the adapter sticked in my foot, I felt really stupid.....

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