It's true, my Buck 120 just bit me and I bled all over.  Of course, I was using it as a pry bar.  A few years ago a Kershaw Leek stabbed me in my left hand and I met a very nice hand surgeon.   I feel betrayed somehow when something I have an emotional bond with bites me.  Am I crazy or do you other knife people ever feel the same way?

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Comment by Charles Sample on February 19, 2016 at 21:38

I have been bitten by my knives several times.  The latest was when I was looking at my RR lockback folding hunter.  I had sharpened it a little earlier.  I unintentionally brushed the end of my thumb across the blade, no pressure at all, and it bit me.  One time when I was at SMKW I was looking at a knife on a table.  I cut myself with it.  I looked around to see if anyone saw me.  I then discreetly pulled out my handkerchief and wrapped my finger in it.  And of course there was the time i cut myself with three blades of the same knife at the same time.  That really didn't feel like a love bite!  LOL


Comment by Jeremy B. Buchanan on February 19, 2016 at 19:51

i hate when a good friend betrays me like that. Sometimes I get mad, but I usually get over it pretty quickly. Especially when I figure out, it was my own fault. 

Comment by Ellis H. Roberson on February 18, 2016 at 19:30

LOL.. Welcome to the hazards of the trade...Been there and done it...Wasn't the first time here, and probably won't be the last!!!  lol..All we can do is just be as careful as we can..!!

Comment by Jan Carter on February 18, 2016 at 19:26

LOL, I hope it did not bite too hard.  It was reminding you to get a pry bar LOL

Somehow I always feel that it is a love bite when it is a knife I am attached to.  The only time I ever felt betrayed by a love bite was reaching into a case at a show and one got me on the knuckle.  I never did buy that knife

White River Knives




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