We love iKnifeCollector and yet some of the how to use the features of our community are unfamiliar to us, aren't they?
In fact, I'll go as far as to say, there are tons of "things" to do and add that we simply haven't found yet.

To that end, I've added a new area, particularly for the newest members, and one that will grow. It provides us with short video lessons on different aspects of the iKC Community.

Two lessons are up now and I'll be adding more over the next few weeks. Incidentally, if you have found my twin running up and down the streets of our community, don't be alarmed. It's just me. I needed to create a new member in order to produce these video lessons. I'll delete him once I'm through.

If you have knife friends who think iKC is too hi-tech for them, dial them into these basic videos.

The new page hosting these lessons is under Member Help. It is Video Tutorials.

And, hey, I'm not Steven Spielberg, OK?

If you have suggestions for additional videos, let me know and thanks for helping make iKC the best knife collector community!

Views: 34

Tags: how-t0, lessons, tutorial, video

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