Cutlery News Journal- Knife Collector News From Yesterday And Today

Many of you already know I publish an online knife collector news source called Cutlery News Journal. CNJ recently celebrated its first year and offers all type knife collector and industry news. Now if you have been a member here for very long you probably already know I have a bit of a twisted sense of humor and at times it oozes out it.

CNJ covers a broad range of knife related topics. I relate current events (economic and political) to knives and collecting, in addition to cutlery history. And then throw in a little satire and you have Cutlery News Journal.

I publish CNJ for the fun of it. Like with iKC, CNJ provides no financial incentive to me, which probably surprises you who thought I receive the ad revenue from the strip of Google ads on the pages of iKC. I don't. iKC and CNJ are both labors of love, pure and simple. I have always enjoyed, and consider it a hobby, to promote knife collecting.

CNJ is not published everyday, but usually several times a week, so drop by often. Rarely, will I blog here about a story there, although linked at the bottom of our community page are the latest CNJ articles. To me CNJ is our local read.

If you find a story interesting post a comment. If you don't agree, then tell me you don't. Funny thing is, I think most folks see CNJ more like a magazine, but it's not. It's a knife collector's blog. Come check it out.

One more thing, Cutlery News Journal is very highly searchable. There are 268 published articles now and every word of every article is searchable and each article is categorized and tagged for searches too.

If you like CNJ tell others- if you don't, tell me.

Views: 73

Tags: cnj, cutlery-news-journal, knife-collecting, knife-collectors, online-knife-news

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Comment by J.J. Smith III on August 15, 2009 at 1:43
"...twisted sense of humor and at times it oozes out it."


White River Knives

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