One of the fun things about iKC is our Groups. The interests represented by all the iKC Groups are all over the board.
Well, not long ago, Anthony (ChanceToFade) started a Group called
Other Collections, for folks who have collections, in addition to knives.
Needless to say, I am a member of that Group also by virtue of my unintended collection of.....speeding tickets. I won't bore you with the
YouTube Video I did talking about this collection, other than to say, this other collection of mine is extensive. Really.
I know you are probably saying, "Well Scott that's what you get for driving a 500 hp Shelby." But before you jump on me about my fun car, I have to tell you- I have yet to get my first ticket in her. My most recent additions (4 0r 5 of 'em) have been in my truck and my wife's SUV. So, there.....
Sorry, I got off topic- As I explained in my video, I have probably have more speeding tickets in my collection than I have elephant toenail knives...seriously. I have them from a dozen or so states...and from all types of cops- you know we collectors like variety, don't we?
Well, as many of you know I drove my Shelby to Florida for the week ending July 4th to join up with my family for our vacation. I am always careful when I drive her cause I know cops are always out for "hot rods," plus my tag is HYPRDVE, which is kinda asking for it on top of that-
in case you are wondering, that's short for HYPERDRIVE. No, it doesn't really have a hyperdrive, but I swear it feels like it does. All I have to say is you have better be pointed in the direction you want to go when you punch her!
On my drive back, I was following my wife and minding my own business. We were in a parade of about 10 cars headed north when all of sudden I glance up to see a "friendly" local on my butt. Call me paranoid, but I swear a couple of times he got close enough I could see his eyes glaring at me (he was more than close enough to read my tag).
I know he was just looking for an excuse to pull me over. I almost got p****d off enough because of how close he was on my butt. I wanted to pull over and ask him to back off...but my better judgement told me to just keep driving and minding my business.
Finally after about 10 minutes he must have run to the end of his jurisdiction cause he turned off. And, I failed to add another ticket to my collection :( Actually, I had about 5 points too many had 7 points not dropped off this month :) So, I really can't afford to add to my collection right now. But I did get one two weeks ago, but I think I am ok with my points with those dropping off....I hope my math is correct.
Here is my friend tailing me last Saturday. I took it through my rear view mirror....very carefully :)

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