I signed up my grandson for SMKW's SharpKidz program when it first came out. I have attached a letter I just sent to them about the program. Has anyone else signed up someone for the program? I'd like to know your thoughts.

To the fine folks at SMKW,
What has happened to the SharpKidz program? My grandson signed up when it started. He has knives from the first, and only, offering devoted to SharpKidz. He received 1, count it, 1 newsletter. He has yet to receive a second newsletter.
The children of today are your future customers. I have spent a lot of time developing a love for knives in him and all that goes with it to help him have a hobby that is unique, interesting, filled with history, and just plain ol' fun. I am very disappointed that this program has seemingly fallen through the cracks. Is it still in existence? If it is do you have any offerings for them of new knives and maybe at least a quarterly newsletter? Right now his TV interests are limited to some Discovery channel shows and the Nickelodeon network. I really hope he gets older and more educated in knives by me  before he trips over the Cutlery Corner Network of cheap knives that are nothing more than fancy paperweights for the most part. He and I enjoyed watching Knives Live together. There have been some rumors circulating of another type of show y'all are developing. Any truth to the rumors?
I think the world of SMKW and all the fine people who work there and love the great products you carry. I would just like to see the SharpKidz program given the opportunity to really benefit those who will eventually be your benefactors. Can you please respond to this mailing so we have an idea of any future developments with the program?
Respectfully a currently satisfied customer,
Charles "Chuck" Parham

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Comment by Chuck Parham on December 21, 2013 at 4:54

That's great Randall. My grandson should be getting his soon as well. And thanks to the Daniels family!

Comment by Randall Vaughn on December 20, 2013 at 17:20

I got my grandsons Sharpkidz news in the mail today. Had a pic of a big smiling baby looking happy with a knife its Ryan and Courtney Daniels son nice little read for the kids.

Comment by Ron Cooper on December 15, 2013 at 17:12

That's great news, Ken! Thanks for keeping us informed.

Cheers to you and the entire Daniels and Queen family!

Comment by Chuck Parham on December 15, 2013 at 16:29

To Ken Daniels- Thanks so very much for making sure this much needed program hasn't faded away. I look forward to it's renewed outreach. To the rest of the members here- Thank you for caring about our youth. As many of you know I am a big advocate to develop our youth into the people who will turn this crazy world around. By instilling a love of knives you cover so much ground. It develops a sense of responsibility. It builds a bond between people. It teaches history as well as tradition. I helps build a savvy consumer and a crafty trader. It teaches tolerance and understanding when it comes to dealing with others and their viewpoints.

It helps us teach good core values and principles to our younger generations. Boys and girls can appreciate time spent with someone who is dedicated to their enrichment. While we all hope that someday some of, if not all, our knives will be passed to those we cherish and love. But in reality I'd be happy if it just turned out that my grandson becomes a great man who can say "I owe it all to my Grandfather who gave me my start through collecting knives". Thanks to those of you who share my vision. Maybe if everyone took a youngster and helped them love knives this could work. Even if you don't have kids or grandchildren of your own, There are kids who would love to discover this passion, no it's an addiction or better yet, a way of life that we all share. Thanks everyone!!

Comment by Jan Carter on December 15, 2013 at 15:21


Thank you!  Please let us know how WE can help grow this program and bring to life again.  We all share a love of knives and we want our grandchildren to experience it also.  I know you feel the same way :)

Comment by Randall Vaughn on December 15, 2013 at 13:14

Glad to hear it's not dead I signed my Grandson up never heard anything Thought about signing  my others grand kids but didn't see any need. Maybe know I'll sign them up

Comment by Ken Daniels on December 15, 2013 at 9:35
The Sharpkidz is not dead, it just got stalemated a little with all the changes at SMKW.
Pete Cohan with SMKW is very involved in this project, Queen is backing this program along with other knife company's. Will keep you posted on progress.
Comment by Jan Carter on December 15, 2013 at 7:09

Chuck have you sent it off yet?  If not please add the following

I know the iKnifeCollector.com would be happy to assist with any media needs on bringing this program back to it's potential.

If it does not come back Chuck, lets explore the options of continuing him into the Daniels program.


Comment by Jason Oncedisturbed Riley on December 15, 2013 at 7:08

TBH I have never heard of a program like this of anykind to do with knives over here, it would never take off. I would love to be involved with something like this for my son's sake as he is starting to grow a knife collection of his own. Cheeky lil bugger's Star Wars collection nearly dwarfs mine so won't be long until his knives do the same.

I hope SMKW respond positively to your request and that it takes off as kids as always, like us before, are the one's that carry things / traditions etc onto the next leg of the journey

Comment by Ken Spielvogel on December 15, 2013 at 6:56

Chuck, I never heard of that program but it sounds like a good one. I hope Trey keeps his interest- You are a good Grandpa to help him.

White River Knives

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