Just found this Camillus 5" Boy Scouts Of America Folding Hunter, jigged bone handles, single bolster, BSA shield & inscription, and oh, did I mention the oh-so-cool secondary serrated blade? This has separate locks for each blade, something I have never seen before. I've been watching this knife at a local thrift store for months, hoping no one would buy it out from under me, fortunately it was priced so high no one snagged it, so I took a chance and waited for a sale. Well, today they had a "last-day-of-the-month 40% off" sale, so with old guy 10% discount I managed to snag it for under $25. Seems to be in very good condition, tight blades, beautiful handles, etc, etc, but has a few scratches on the back side of the master blade, but the side with the inscription looks pristine. It was pretty dull, so I ran it over a steel then stropped it, it sharpened up nicely. Now all I gotta do is find a sheath for it because I intend to carry it, (or maybe a lanyard?).

I haven't been able to buy many knives lately, so today I officially scratched that itch! If anyone has any historical info or knows the frame number please speak up.

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Comment by Syd Carr on March 2, 2019 at 0:55

Yet another correction, but I did manage to identify the knife and it's manufacture date; apparently it's a LB11 with BSA# 1068 from 1989, but unfortunately it is handled in Jigged Delrin. Oh well, at least it's an "official" BSA knife with a BSA number, and at $24 was a bargain compared to the $50+ it is bringing on ebay. I only have three or four other Camillus-branded knives, so it reigns as my favorite Camillus, (not counting the numerous Camillus-made Bucks I have). On top of that my grandson will inherit a true BSA knife, and who knows, by then the BSA itself may be a thing of the past.

Comment by Syd Carr on March 1, 2019 at 12:47

Correction!! I was just informed that it has a saw, NOT a serrated blade, so I stand corrected. Now to find a chore requiring a saw!!

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