Here is another "Navy" knife, this time it is actually a USCG knife but is the same as those great old Navy knives.  Now I have a few USN, one USMC, one that someone suggested might be a US Army knife and this one...my very first Coast Guard knife.  Thank you to all of you Coast Guarders for your service!!



The Tang marking (below) for Camillus reads:


The Tang marking for USCG (below) reads:

APPROVED/U.S. C G/104405


It looks like jigged wood and is in very nice condition.

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Comment by Lee Saunders on May 15, 2012 at 1:50

Thanks for the link.  Great conversation there with a ton of information.  I kind of expected that the "approved" really meant approved not issued, but you never know.  Since it's the first one I have seen eyeball to knife with USCG markings...

The Camillus really feels like wood.  And there is no shrinkage like celluloid or anythng.  The Russell Navy knife I have is stag so it's no help to me.  I almost bought a Russell cocobola, but it got away.  This one feels like that one though.

Te handles on my knife seem to be a different color (that one looks seriously all black, no variation at all).  While mine is brown with darker area in the base of the "jigs" giving it a near stag look even though it feels like wood.

While the Tang stampings are nearly identical the handles are different.

I'm not expert enough on handle size/shape etc but when I measure it up to the blade outline in Official Price Guide to Collector Knives (Ed 15) and in Blade's Guide to Knives & Their Values it looks close on.

I like the Kutmaster.

Comment by Trent Rock on May 15, 2012 at 1:11

BRL's forum is packed with info on these knives===> Camillus handle material? COAST GUARD KNIVES?


I have a Kutmaster
Kutmaster 1944-079 USCG Lifeboat

And one just like yours, but is not marked Camillus...

White River Knives

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