Have been doing some research on a Western Fillet knife; but I’m not finding any answers. Time to ask the pros. The subject knife is a Western (duh) fillet knife, with a 6” blade, and 11” overall. It is stamped W766, with an “F” code. What I’ve learned, or think I’ve learned is that it’s a Model W766, that was made in 1982. But what I also encounter is that by far, most of these model 766 fillet knives are marked S-W 766. Does anyone here know what, or why the difference with a knife with just a “W” as compared to one with S-W?

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Comment by Sue OldsWidow on December 4, 2018 at 18:51

Western was kind of an off set of Case family that went west....One got consumtion and needed the dry air....We do have a lot of INPUT in our Library on this site.....That is a newer knife Image result for western Knife tang stamps

Comment by Gus Marsh on October 15, 2018 at 13:02

In the book, The Knife Makers Who Went West by Harvey Platts, page 178, they talk about the different Fish Fillet Knives. If they have a full bevel grind and full width of  steel blade, they are S-W766. It doesn't say, but my guess is that the older Fish Fillet Knives are W766 while the newly designed blade for 1968 is S-W766. On page 190 of the same book, there is a photo of three Fish Fillet Knives, all start with SW. SW769, SW766, and SW764

Comment by Jan Carter on October 13, 2018 at 19:41

LOL, well ok it was a bad guess.....

Examine the knife for a blade stamp. From 1911 to 1942 Western knives also incorporated a blade stamp or etching along the blade. Between 1911 and 1928, the etching was composed of a tic-tac-toe- looking graphic with information in each section. A "W" in the upper left and an "S" in the upper right section stood for Western States. 

Information was located here

Comment by Jan Carter on October 13, 2018 at 19:31

I know Standard knife Co made some knives for Western.  Just guessing but maybe that is the S?

White River Knives

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