Why I carry knives...because of the Monsters out there!

I know people EDC a knife to cut string, paper, fruit, etc...comes in handy in the office, in the field, and on the boat. My sole purpose for carrying knives (minimum (2) tactical folders). Is because punks are training on the streets, dojos, gyms...mma, boxing, karate, knife-combatives, etc...

Criminals are learning sh*t in prison...52 blocks, shanking-knife combatives, Piper System (South African knife-fighting), etc...these axioms are why you have to train, stay fit, learn as much as you can. Because if you've haven't "prepared" yourself and find yourself in a down and dirty street fight where all bets are off. You're gonna be caught like a deer in the headlights.

Sure I carry guns but, sometimes the attack comes so fast you won't have time to draw. Go for your knife first (I have one palmed/cupped when walking through open areas, parking garages, etc...create distance then go for your gun.

I know I'm grim but, it's like I tell my youngest son Yoshi (10 yrs. old-Black-Belt in Wado-Ryu Karate). This is the Really REAL world and there are Monsters out there...

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Comment by J.T. [HELLZZARMY] on October 7, 2009 at 18:00

hey Greg...thanks for your comment...

" the fact is that average people are not capable of this level of self defence." -This is where we have a difference of opinion, I know people can reach this level of proficiency if they train, train, and train...I've seen it in my Sensei's Dojo...a middle-age female who never took Martial Arts trained for 3 years and vastly improved...she could hold her own in free-sparring. In real life maybe she couldn't pound someone into the ground but, she could realistically defend herself and give herself time to escape.

And the students in the videos are average people not Navy Seals, Special Forces, or my buddies in Triple Canopy. They reached that level by dedication and training.

myself i'm 48 years old, 5'10", 250 (a little overweight) but, I'm and Asst Instructor in Wado-Ryu Karate...I had over 25 years of street-fighting experience before even earning a Black-Belt. I carry guns on a daily basis and at least (2) tactical folders. At this stage in life what I don't have in speed, I make up with pure force and "Violence of Action". We also train with weapons (Bo staff, Sais, Escrima sticks, etc...)
I'm just saying training and preperation will help you survive real life encounters. Libre Fighting system is a great addition to anyones fighting skills. Fighting is also a mind-set too...being able to do whatever is necessary to win. One of my life's mottos is "anything worth fighting for is worth killing or dying for."

And a cane is good self-defense weapon. I own (3) myself and will start using them later in life when my arthritis gets worst. One thing about knives you have to constantly train. so every time you take your knife out of your pocket don't just open it for the sake of opening it. Do a flow drill(see video below) with both hands before putting it back in your pocket. You're trying to gain muscle memory as well as skill. Also it's better to train with a training knife...be careful with a live blade(I believe you have to train w/ what you carry too).

I guess being a pessimist I expect the worst from people...OSU!!! [KARATE EXPRESSION]-J.T.

Comment by Greg Vangsness on October 7, 2009 at 8:21
Man, I'm glad I live in a relatively safe part of the world. I learned enough martial arts in my youth to be able 'to fall over without hurting myself' (several belts); but gave it up once I 'knew enough.' The fact is, I want not to be one of the "sheeple"; but I don't have physical capability (double knee replacements this time last year; 5'2" and overweight according to averages and have somewhat limited mobility as you can imagine), time etc. to defend against the folks in these videos let alone "the Baddies."

I watched a program here in Australia which showed people who needed canes to get around day to day learning defence with their canes. Fact is someone who is intent on robbing or violating is going to have anything they can attempt covered. It's the factor of experience and age differences that will leave all of us incapable of defending ourselves from someone who holds either advantage...; or the element of surprise...; or superior fire-power.

I'm not saying I wouldn't defend myself or others as well as I could in a real situation; but the fact is that average people are not capable of this level of self defence. Not being critical! BUT/AND I would invite your response.

I'll hope they keep me as a living historical record and jokes repository. Cheers, Greg.
Comment by J.T. [HELLZZARMY] on October 5, 2009 at 8:13
Not necessarily...just trying to be prepared for possible attacks. Hawaii is catching up with Mainland crime statistics. And if you read some of my comments in the Tactical group there's been a lot of knife attacks lately.

Like any place else we have our share of scumbags and idiots. In my line of work (not saying-trying to maintain some anonymity) I usually see the worst side of people. When I'm attacked, challenged, or confronted my would be assailant is suprised by "Violence of Action!"
Comment by Trent Rock on October 5, 2009 at 3:13
I have one palmed/cupped when walking through open areas, parking garages, etc
Do you live in a high crime area??

White River Knives

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