Anyone ever cut themselves with one of your…Had my son and DIL and grandson and my son's inlaws over for Mother's Day lunch today. I was showing my son's FIL some of my knives. Apparently he cut his thumb with one of them. He didn't know he…DiscussionAnyone ever cut themselves with one of your…3 LikesDealer Knives (14)photoDealer Knives (14)4 LikesDealer Knives (11)photoDealer Knives (11)1 LikeDealer Knives (7)photoDealer Knives (7)4 LikesDealer Knives (3)photoDealer Knives (3)2 LikesDealer KnivesphotoDealer Knives3 LikesDealer Knives (17)photoDealer Knives (17)4 LikesDealer Knives (15)photoDealer Knives (15)2 LikesEDC/OCDEDC; EveryDay Carry
OCD; Obsessive-compulsive disorder is an anxiety disorder in which people have unwanted and repeated thoughts, feelings, ideas, sensations (obsessions), or behaviors that make t…DiscussionEDC/OCD6 LikesFor trade2013-05-11%2000.11.40.jpg
Hello everybody!
I have this knife for trade. It the Brazilian Wotan 3, the knife used for the Special Forces. I have 2 of it and want to trade for a pocket knife.
Condit…DiscussionFor trade4 LikesDaughter SarahphotoDaughter Sarah2 LikesULSTER NKIFEphotoULSTER NKIFE3 LikesStone River Peanut SRG72ILA (2)photoStone River Peanut SRG72ILA (2)1 Liketransparent framingphototransparent framing6 LikesYellow Synthetic Mini TrapperphotoYellow Synthetic Mini Trapper2 LikesCamco Rocketship and Colonial Lockback knive…photoCamco Rocketship and Colonial Lockback knive…2 Likesmap of Canada...Indian versionphotomap of Canada...Indian version6 Likesikc flag newphotoikc flag new2 LikesiKC Cap and BadgephotoiKC Cap and Badge5 LikesiKC at the Palmetto Knife ShowphotoiKC at the Palmetto Knife Show3 Likes2013 Palmetto Knife Showphoto2013 Palmetto Knife Show4 Likes