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February 2021
Knife Rights: Minnesota Constitutional Amend…Minnesota State Senator Paul Utke and Representatives Cal Bahr, Tim Miller, John Poston, Erik Mortensen, Eric Lucero and Donald Raleigh have introduced, respectively, SF 1026 and HF 824, Constitution…DiscussionKnife Rights: Minnesota Constitutional Amend…1 LikeWhat Types and or How Many Ka-Bar Knives Do…Show us your Ka-Bars!DiscussionWhat Types and or How Many Ka-Bar Knives Do…5 LikesAnglesey Pirate Dagger, the iKC versionphotoAnglesey Pirate Dagger, the iKC version1 LikeQueen CanoephotoQueen Canoe3 Likes
January 2021
Knives from Dad.My Dad lives and works in the Memphis area. He has a knack for refurbishing antique clocks among other complicated antiques. Recently he received some knives in a barter to fix a friend's clock. He k…DiscussionKnives from Dad.8 LikesGenerosity isn't dead, it seems...So...I am on another knife Group on Facebook...(surprise). Canada Knife and Gear, Every year at Christmas, they do a pretty comprehensive Secret Santa. You sign up, choose a dollar amount you are com…DiscussionGenerosity isn't dead, it seems...4 LikesSMOKY MOUNTAIN KNIFE WORKS MEMORIESGroupSMOKY MOUNTAIN KNIFE WORKS MEMORIES35 LikesVictorinox MiniChampphotoVictorinox MiniChamp1 LikeBoker Plus Scurvy DogphotoBoker Plus Scurvy Dog1 Likegerber shardphotogerber shard1 Likegerber dimephotogerber dime2 LikesFOR SALE 7photoFOR SALE 71 LikeFOR SALE 1photoFOR SALE 12 LikesFOR SALE 3photoFOR SALE 31 LikeFOR SALE 2photoFOR SALE 22 LikesFOR SALE 5photoFOR SALE 53 LikesFOR SALE 6photoFOR SALE 61 LikeBattle Horse KnivesphotoBattle Horse Knives2 LikesKephart KnifephotoKephart Knife3 Likes