Wally World paracord knife.photoWally World paracord knife.1 LikeTOPS / Buck CSAR-T 095photoTOPS / Buck CSAR-T 0952 Likes1145photo11451 LikeRemora wrap with beadphotoRemora wrap with bead1 LikeMy Good Luck PiecephotoMy Good Luck Piece7 LikesAre we paying attention?Hello iKC!
Sometimes I just like to check the pulse and see whats going through everyone's mind. I am not going to announce this one, I think I will leave that up to you all.
So here it is.... From…DiscussionAre we paying attention?10 LikesHand Forged CASEphotoHand Forged CASE3 LikesSilvertip bladeworksphotoSilvertip bladeworks1 LikeSilvertip Bladeworks FighterphotoSilvertip Bladeworks Fighter1 LikeSilvertip BladeworksphotoSilvertip Bladeworks1 LikeSilvertip BladeworksphotoSilvertip Bladeworks1 LikeBenchmade exposure. What is your take?Just wondering what the knife community here thinks about the recent Benchmade flap over destroying firearms and supporting democrat sponsored bills and providing monetary contributions exclusively t…DiscussionBenchmade exposure. What is your take?1 LikeUnique knife.
BlogUnique knife.3 Likes
March 2019
Ka-Bar SkeletonphotoKa-Bar Skeleton2 LikesOpinel 8 SlimphotoOpinel 8 Slim3 LikesFire, Friends and some Darn Fine GentlemanThe Hammer In at TrackRock Campgrounds was held this past weekend. We have been participating in this for years, even before we moved to this area. We participate for a number of reasons, the fun b…DiscussionFire, Friends and some Darn Fine Gentleman2 LikesDoes this qualify as a Paul type action?I bought this knife over 20 years ago and have not seen one since. I don't believe it's rare but Explorer, a brand name sold by Gutman Cutlery, went under with Gutman.
Here are a couple of quick pic…DiscussionDoes this qualify as a Paul type action?2 LikesRiver ScheuermanphotoRiver Scheuerman6 LikesKnife Collecting BooksWhat book or books would someone need to identify and price pocket knives?DiscussionKnife Collecting Books3 LikesM-Tech "Extreme"photoM-Tech "Extreme"2 Likes