Our November contest is brought to you by Mr. Robert Burris



 "I was just thinking of a way to promote our club, a little, and thought how about a knife contest that does just that."


Promote iKnifeCollector.com your way

Promote the site somewhere and just put a link in this discussion for us all to see!  

What if it is done not online?  Just put in a pic showing us what you have done!

Every time you promote us you will get a ticket in the drawing…How many tickets will you have?


We will have a giveaway to anyone promoting our community, by pictures or words.

The most creative will receive 3 extra tickets

The drawing will be on Thanksgiving.


Prizes, will be mailed to Miss Jan, next week so she can post up some pictures. There's one real surprise for you Survivalist out there. I won't say anymore, just start promoting IKC. 

Tags: Knife, contest, giveaway, iKnifeCollector, promotion


Views: 1423

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..LOL.... WGACA!.. 
J.J. Smith III said:

 KNIFE KARMA... "what goes around comes around"  (Glad I try to treat mine nice, LOL.)
peter force said:

OK I WENT AHEAD AND DID IT... here is my much smaller group on FB called KNIFE KARMA... "what goes around comes around" is the rooms MOTTO!... its smal but its got some great folks...!  another 100+folks reached thoough!...and i   PINNED LINK AGAIN!!! so its not goig anywhere.https://www.facebook.com/groups/304766682893653/    i dont do many conetsts but i already like helping to "plug:sites i like..and i love IKC so its fun!...im off to bed..but ill have a ton more for ya toomorrow...also i calld the knfe shop..FLIERS JAN or SOETHIG like it is a go... also my ole barber said he would put one in his window...LOL!...he collects straights! i know JENN COFFEY os on knife karma...she is awesome...i dunno just hit me!


I must say, everyone is doing great, with this Promo. Keep up the great effort. Bless ya'll hearts.


J.J. Smith III said:

hey robert im curious by chane on the PICTURE is teir any makers mark on it..is it a litho?..smetimes they are dated..al depends.tahnx brotehr!

The homemade Survivalist knife, has a makers mark. I forget what it is now. It is a large hand made knife, very large. I won it and thought, someone that's not disabled, could put it to work. I wish, I knew, who made it, but I can say it's well made. I hope, this helps Peter.

The makers mark is CR and this is one hefty knife, built for using!

I promote daily . not for the prize, but just the community... twitter@tcknives

on my website under the About tab www.tccollectiblecutlery.com

Terry your support is always welcome and appreciated.  For the prize or not, you are already in the drawing LOL

yes most of mine are on a continous nasis...either a PERMALINK or a SIGNATURE under my name..


my one FB page that has the PERMA LINK att the top ios seen by almost 1100 folks a day!.


BUT I NEED TO GET MORE CRERATIVE..LOTS OF THOSE were not perma links but i8 wa alsready linking IKC most the time anway

I got another one today. My coworker was in my cubicle where I have Jan's iKnifeCollector.com business card sized magnet on my file cabinet. He asked how many knives I have, to which I honestly answered "I have no idea." Then I showed him our 2014 calendar and he said he wanted one like I carry every day (a Kershaw Kuro). So I found a Kuro online for $23 and ordered it. Of course my benevolence can only go so far. I will keep the new one when it arrives and will give him my used one. :-)


Wonderful!!  You promoted iKC, got another ticket and a new knife.  Now that is a deal! 

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