Today is 4/20/2014, on 4/25/2014 I will be headed to Alaska on a mission trip with 10 other members of our church Lake Ridge Church in Eastlake,Ohio. I am going to chronicle my journey here for anyone who is interested in following along.

Keep in mind, I believe in God and will be talking a great deal about Him,and His Son Jesus. With that in mind, if you are a non believer,than this is probably not the thread for you. I do however encourage you to follow along,you never know,you just may find my journey interesting.I plan to post as many pictures as possible, and post my thoughts and feelings about this trip.

I will be stepping way out of my "comfort zone"(3933 miles to be exact),but I have heard it said "nothing changes in your comfort zone". I truly expect this trip to change my life for the better. Anyone reading this,feel free to ask questions,and I will do my best to answer them. However, if you are just going to bash my faith or my God, I will not even bother to banter back and forth trying to defend my beliefs to you.

Any and all prayers are greatly appriciated!! I pray, and hope you enjoy this read, and follow along!

God Bless You,

Thomas Bennett

Tags: Alaska

Views: 345

Replies to This Discussion

Thomas, I am praying daily for your trip, may God lead you and direct your every step as well as the teams. I also pray for your daughter here at home.God Bless and I look forward to hearing all about it. - Ken

Thanks Ken,I am so excited to see what God has in-store!!!

Ken Spielvogel said:

Thomas, I am praying daily for your trip, may God lead you and direct your every step as well as the teams. I also pray for your daughter here at home.God Bless and I look forward to hearing all about it. - Ken

Thomas, no one will bash your post on here. We will be glad to take this adventure with you through your words and photos. I hope you find what you seek in Alaska. Our prayers are with you.

Thank you Thomas! I appreciate the post and am excited for this event. Never been to Alaska so I am looking forward to lots of pictures of all it has to offer! You bet we are following and praying for you as well. No bashers here, we just want to be part of the journey!

have my dates wrong 5/20/2014 is today's date and will be in Alaska on 5/25/2014


You are entering into a blessed time.  Enjoy it, share it here with us.  One of the things I love about here, is it is ok have faith.  Like your knives, all are welcome :)

Thanks Robert and Steve! I am so looking forward to this mission trip,can't wait to tell you all about it!!so stay tuned as i will be very thorough with a lot of pictures!!

So far so good,what a culture shock! will be posting pictures soon,they are on my sd card in my camera.Everyone here is so special,some of the nicest people i've meet, 

Had a minor set back,had a kid jump on my back and sent me to the ground,quick trip to the e.r. and helped me right out! again,i will be posting pics real soon..

Thomas, remember, I am praying for you everyday and your daughter back home as well. Have a great mission trip.

Yea Thomas, we are waiting for some pictures and a story about how things are going. We are praying for Ya'll.

Ok,sorry not to have updated sooner,but I had less then stellar internet connection and most of my time was spent doing mission work with poverty stricken children in Alaska. I had no time for posting or anyway too,so i will go on now to post my experience.
My time in Alaska went by too Fast! Truly one of the most beautiful places I've ever been. I will try to do my best to explain and post some good Pictures!!

Flying into Anchorage,Alaska


White River Knives

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