I know this isn't deep woods outdoors but it is out of doors even if it is on your patio.   When you grill do you use a gas grill or a charcoal grill?

For the record my Father's Day Gift for this year is the Weber Jumbo Joe.  So that would be my answer to the question.  Supposedly it will replace my Smoky Joe but as I just bought a new top rack for the Smoky Joe I don't see it leaving the backyard anytime soon. Alas, two years ago my Weber Kettle grill bough the farm.  Had I not seen the Weber Jumbo Grill and put it on a wish list I would be asking for the Ranch Kettle.  That baby looks awesome. (But seriously, for most of my Grilling needs the Jumbo Joe is the perfect size.

So how about everyone else.  Gas or Charcoal?  and what is your go to grill?  Or is your go to grill an open pit or bonfire?

Weber Jumbo Joe

Ranch Kettle


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We used to only cook outside with Charcoal. Then Cass decided that gas would be faster and more convenient. It just wasn't the same. So this year we're going back to Charcoal. We're getting a Weber.

My plan is to use my little Smoky Joe for the potatoes, corn on the cob and other vegetables and use the Jumbo Joe for the Meats!  Hurry up Father's Day! 

We used to use all charcoal but now it is much easier to use gas, and just as good.

Somewhere in the late '70s I bought a Kamado, now called The Big Green Egg.  I think it hit the market in the Phila. area right about that time, and there was only one place to get them - across the river in NJ.  It burnt real wood charcoal, and I liked the flavor.  I eventually burned out the ceramic firebox, and by then the Pachinko Palace where I got it, was gone.

Tried propane, but it didn't give the flavor of the charcoal.

Been wanting another one so I got one in May and just tonight I fired it up for the first time - "modern" pork chops.  In case you haven't kept up with the nomenclature, "modern" pork chops are thin pork chops.  Used to be, pork chops were about an inch thick.  "Modern" ones are half that, or less (1/4").  Turned out okay.  I cooked a Thanksgiving turkey on the old one, and chicken legs & thighs are a family favorite.

However, my all time favorite grill is the old backyard brick and chimney grill.  Very popular in the '50s.  Father-in-law built one and since we bought the house next door, he was able to teach me how to use it.  The fire was like a fireplace fire - start with paper & kindling and move up to 1" or so dia. pieces depending on how hot you wanted it, or how long you needed it hot.  3/8" stainless steel plate instead of a grid sat on top of the firebox - damper in the 10' chimney.  And, you just opened the door to add more wood.  Yard wood was plentiful as the two homes sat on 15 acres with about a third of it in woods.  Plenty of down limbs in the yard to get a never-ending supply of firewood for the grill.

Up til about a month ago, I used charcoal.  But that grill had seen much better days so I replaced it with gas.

I use charcoal and real fire wood. I like the smoke flavor.

Gas at home most of the time with some wood chips in a smoking box. I also have a Brinkman Cajun cooker, which is a small round smoker. Along with that I have a gas grill that we take to the lake and a big barrel smoker/grill. I have been looking at an electric smoker. I have a guy who works under me that has one. He really likes it. he told me just add the wood chips, water, set the temp and timer and go do your thing while it does it's thing. I have also thought about a propane smoker.


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