A generic area to post useful Camping & Hiking Tools that have proven their worth over numerous field expeditions. Try to "tie it in" with edged items.




 .. however .. if you’ve an item that has simply proven

too useful to keep to one’s self .. please .. do share ..



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The top of the cutting edge/face is typically the leading edge .. my camping axe is definately showing wear .. I hesitate to re-face it .. performs fine as is .. shorter/lighter than the original .. handle sure takes more abuse . ugly as sin & wks great !!!!
.. a buck 112 circa mid 70's .. contoured for comfort fit ..

.. these were such a robust design .. 1/8" blade pivot pin & main backspring pin .. 1/16" solid brass liners .. secure lock-up .. these things are capable of withstanding abnormal levels of abuse .. & simply keep on perfoming ..
I can't claim to be a highly experienced camper. But when I get the opportunity I always carry the hand made Sabertooth knife made by Joseph Spivey. Mr. Spivey rode a horse cross country; literally all the way across the countrty, both east and west and north and south. His design was intended to eliminate the need to carry a camp ax and saw.

The double row of saw teeth can saw thru a 1 1/8 inch iorn pipe with no damage to the teeth. The blade is wonderfully sharp and durable. Its length is 7 inches and is not the knife for scraping peanut butter out of the jar. For those light jobs I use a traditional slip joint, usually a trapper by Queen.

I think I will soon try out one of the new Buck knives with the synthetic handles.

If interested in the Sabertooth just type that name along with Spivey's name and your search engine should easily find it.
Yea that sabretooth is pretty cool I googled it after I read your post. Definatly a knife that can perform multiple tasks.
Here is my Mora knife that I always keep around my neck and my Gerber Exchange-A Blade saw. The saw for being something I paid only $15 holds up very well.

I like those Mora's .. the price doesn't kill you & they perform great !!!
Yea I absolutly love mine. It is probably preforms the best out of alot of knives that I have used. And for the price, I think I paid $11 for mine you can't find a better knife.
Thats a cool knife. Sonorandesrtknives.com has one of the originals made.If you do not find it there,contact me or Leopold on his site.There is a story about the one he has but I am not authorized to disclose that on public domain...
I have not camped with my new creation yet,but soon will.I call it Franken Axe v.2 Prototype.It is L-6 tool steel from old mill saw for head,aircraft grade aluminum w/carbon fiber covering handle.My good friend fabricated the handle so thanks Ralphrooster.
I like the holster/sheath !!! The axe is nice wk too .. let us know how it performs ....
Really good job on it! Looks very well crafted.


White River Knives

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