Another Deer season. I went out Oct 1st and sat in the woods in my new Big Mike blind and saw 4 deer. One was a nice big Doe, but she had young with her. They were plenty big enough and spots all gone, but I just couldn't shoot. Its early yet. I have my eye on a nice Buck and will be looking for him. He was on camera almost every day until deer season started and hasn't been on camera yet. They sure are smart. I will add to this from time to time and hope you will share your deer hunting experience and pics for this year as well.

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Miss Sue, that is a fine non-typical deer. Non-typical racks are my favorite type of horns. The ones I have killed over the years are very special to me. I would love to bag another this hunting season. Thanks for posting.

Well, gun season is over and it rained all week. I went out only once with the pistol and didn't see anything. Its now back to Bow season and then in Jan, 4 days of muzzle loading. I waxed my bow strings and put the Bow away. I won't be hunting anymore this year. I got a Doe and have plenty of meat, so I really don't need another one. I don't kill just to kill. The deer steaks went over big at Thanksgiving. The weather and time didn't cooperate for me this year, but I'll catch up next year.

Ken, You should try and get a large buck. It's a great challenge and you could always give the meat to a friend or the real needy. Where I hunt, we are allowed one doe and I usually let my grand daughter kill it. Only thing is this year she has been busy with school and work and hasn't had a chance to come and hunt with me.


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