I swear...that is what I figured him to be...an Old Timer kind of guy. Hey Luke...check out my latest blog on the community home page....love to get your 2Cents on the kind of knife prez obama would carry....if he carried one.
:) LOL!! It sure isn't an "army" knife, now is it? I knew you'd like that. I can see the french knife...swirly pearl or ivory handles with single blade- a short one.
That Roger feller hitten it right on the head. I don't see Obama carryin' a "Ivory" nuthin. He's a Liberal.
And when it comes to Pearl, I think back to Gen. Patton, concernin somebody askin him bout his "Pearl Handled Pistols"...
Patton :[about his pistol grips] : "They're ivory. Only a pimp from a
cheap New Orleans -----house would carry a pearl-handled pistol."
So y'all tell me, what's he carrin'?
Hey there, Scott feller,
I gets to say hi when ever some computer guy visits the diner, here. That JJ done got him a "hot dot" or somethin'. Lets folks study on somethin' besides the food, (If'n ya know what I meen).
While Sarah and Megan was arguin, the other day, I peeked at the one at the General Store. It had IBM on it. That help ?