Post a photo here.  It must include a Christmas theme and a knife.  See that was easy.  One of our Moderators will draw a name out of the hat on December 24th LOL

Tags: 2014, Case, Christmas, Knife, Win, a

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Okay, Here's my entry photo for this year's Christmas.    The Caption reads "Wisht somebody would tell me there's a Santa Claus"

The knives are modern era Ontario M3 Trench Knife and a Camillus made US Army Utility Knife issued in 1943.


Tobias Gibson said:

Ducks Unlimited SAK along with a present from last year!   Duck them Halls, y'all!

Trench art isn't it......" I believe" ....great display

Tobias Gibson said:

Okay, Here's my entry photo for this year's Christmas.    The Caption reads "Wisht somebody would tell me there's a Santa Claus"

The knives are modern era Ontario M3 Trench Knife and a Camillus made US Army Utility Knife issued in 1943.

Great Tobias! Any idea when the artwork was done?

so time is getting short, let's see those entries!

This was a Bill Mauldin comic strip (Willie & Joe)  done during World War II. 

This was the second comic he did for Christmas.  The first one appeared in December 25, 1943 in the 45th Infantry Newspaper.  By 1944, Mauldin had been given his own Jeep was a syndicated writer for Stars & Stripes, turning out 6 one panel comics a week.  This was the December 25, 1944  Willie & Joe.  

Mauldin joined the Arizona National Guard in 1940 and was activated when War broke out.  He volunteered to work on the 45th Infantry Division's Newspaper.  Despite being a "newspaper" guy, Mauldin did get shot at.  He was literally at the front collecting ideas for his strip, talking to regular infantrymen.  He landed with the first waive during the invasion of Sicily. He was wounded during the Battle of Monte Cassino.  He was hit by by German Mortar fire while at the front visiting an American Machine gun emplacement. 

Besides the Purple Heart, Maudlin was also awarded the Legion of Merit, an award that is extremely rare for NCOs, especially junior NCOs, to receive.

Patton hated Mauldin and threatened to "Kick his Ass" out of the Army after reading a comic making fun of Patton's order that soldiers needed to be clean shaven and have their ties properly tied even in the front lines.  Eisenhower, on the other other hand told Patton to lay off and said Mauldin's comic strip was great for morale. 

As for Mauldin's opinion of Patton:  "I always admired Patton. Oh, sure, the stupid bastard was crazy. He was insane. He thought he was living in the Dark Ages. Soldiers were peasants to him. I didn't like that attitude, but I certainly respected his theories and the techniques he used to get his men out of their foxholes."

Which, is about the same opinion my father had of Patton.  My Father served in the 3rd Infantry Division participating in Sicily, Salerno, Cassino, and Anzio.  He received the so called "million dollar wound" soon after Anzio and would spend the rest of the War recovering in the States.

Jan Carter said:

Great Tobias! Any idea when the artwork was done?

Merry x-mass too all and have a happy new years....

Hey!  That Doctor's knife looks familiar!

Sweeter than...'Candy'! :)

Sure does look good, thanks Tobias!

I thought you would like that "Merry X-mass" my brother

I just love the Robertsons, maybe have to look for that knife!

Sue OldsWidow said:


Tobias Gibson said:

Ducks Unlimited SAK along with a present from last year!   Duck them Halls, y'all!

I sure do remember that comic!

Tobias Gibson said:

Okay, Here's my entry photo for this year's Christmas.    The Caption reads "Wisht somebody would tell me there's a Santa Claus"

The knives are modern era Ontario M3 Trench Knife and a Camillus made US Army Utility Knife issued in 1943.

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