I found this on line and thought you all would like it

Tags: 2014, bear, meat

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This is quite interesting , not that I am likely to be eating bear in the near future , but I met a lady who grew up in Canada and she had eaten a bear . Yes a full bear though it was a baby one . I have forgotten the story but for some reason wasn't aware that bears were edible.  If I come across one I will know what to do , thanks Jan.

LOL John!  I really thought this was interesting for a couple of reasons.  First and foremost you are right, not everyone will have an "opportunity" for lack of a better word to fill their freezer with this meat.  The other is that it was published by the NJ Divison of fish and wildlife.  Does that mean if you live in NJ it is ok to hunt Black Bear for food?

Jan, I don't know about New Jersey but some states do have black bear seasons.  In fact I hope someday to go to Tennessee and hunt black bear.

Charles thanks for the info on this today.  They do have seasons...yep plural

The New Jersey black bear hunting season has been held concurrently with the Six-day Firearm Deer Season (in 2014 the dates were December 8 through December 13) since 2010. Participants are required to have a Black Bear Hunting Area Permit for the area(s) they hunt in and a current Firearm or All-around Hunting License.

There are four bear hunting areas open to hunting in New Jersey; hunters are restricted to hunt only in the area(s) for which they possess a permit. Hunters may possess permits for two separate areas but are limited to one black bear for the season. Permits are awarded via a lottery; the lottery application period is September 15 to October 15 each year. Leftover and unclaimed permits are then sold at licence agents and online.


Most SE states have bear seasons, GA included. You have bear living all around you where you are now.

The meat's very tasty something akin to a mix between wild hawg and goat. Makes a wonderful smelling stew and BBQ's nicely as well.


We had a gentleman up here yesterday born and raised in Hiawassee.  Apparently there is a small "island" if you top our hill and head down the logging road.  It seems that is a habitat area for them.  Good thing Case doesnt run off and stays right by us.  

Keep your garbage up (not outside), bird feeders high out of reach, and don't leave any dogfood out. They will travel miles on a food scent and tear things up getting to it. I don't even leave my grill outside overnight at the cabin.

Due diligence is the key. Love to watch them lumber around in the woods digging up grubs and yellow jackets. Put on quite a show sometimes. Especially with hornet nests in trees.

Two of my great uncles would only cook and bake with bear grease.  Everyone who shot a fall bear would have to donate the fat (and some meat) to them and their bannock, pan (Dutch oven) buns, stews etc. were superb.

The meat is very tasty and is used for both the spring and fall hunts but the finest hides are from the spring, out of hibernation, bears.  It is stringier then beef and a darker colour when cooked to the same degree.  Fall bears make great sausage but spring bears requires the adding of pork fat.  Smoked, they are marvelous.

You know by the time you get to Florida a recipe named 

Charcoal Grilled Leg of Bear *A Tried and True Recipe!

Just wont be beleived

Canning it works well.

mix the bear 1 to 1 with pork and use breakfast spices for sausage.  do links and ( or ) patties and vacuseal for the freezer or you can smoke and air dry like summer sausage.


White River Knives

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