I know I haven't been real regular lately, lots of things going on, busy at this time. But I do check in on the Media pics often. But now I am unable to post "likes" for some reason. I want you all to know I do like many of the pics and comment on some. I haven't deserted IKC and hope to get involved again in the future. God Bless you all.


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I use a desktop PC. And my security system cleans my computer almost everyday and says its in good shape.

Steve, now I see those boxes, didn't know thats what you mean, yes i have them.

Jan, No I don't know how to do that.

Thanks for the help, seems like its just the "likes" I am not able to do.

Yeah, we all disappear now and then, Ken.  I went "dark" for a while myself.  Hope to see you back soon, good buddy!

Ken, likes no longer show up in the Latest Activity column on the right side of the main IKC page, but are still counted in the original discussion, photo, and still counts as a plus in your own personal activity.  This  was done to prevent redundancy in the Latest Activity column--Many times in the past, relatively new posts were getting lost behind  20-30 likes, and were not being seen easily. I will bet if you,yourself try looking at a post or picture- look at the number of likes before you hit the like button, then hit like, you will see the counter change  !! Here is a reply from Jan in your original discussion-  Why aren't we posting more? from last year-

Reply by Jan Carter on October 11, 2014 at 11:56

Let me be clear on LIKE...it no longer shows on the Activity Stream HOWEVER it does count as personal activity its just not shown

The only thing different on like is that it will not feed to the activity stream.  It will still let the posting member know that we have seen it and liked it.  Thats where the value is to me~~~  (by activity stream, she means the Latest Activity column)

Well said and remembered John. By golly a;ways good to see someone paying attention!

John McCain said:

Ken, likes no longer show up in the Latest Activity column on the right side of the main IKC page, but are still counted in the original discussion, photo, and still counts as a plus in your own personal activity.  This  was done to prevent redundancy in the Latest Activity column--Many times in the past, relatively new posts were getting lost behind  20-30 likes, and were not being seen easily. I will bet if you  yourself try looking at a post or picture- look at the number of likes before you hit the like button, then hit like, you will see the counter change  !! Here is a reply from Jan in your original discussion from 8-11-14-

Reply by Jan Carter on October 11, 2014 at 11:56

Let me be clear on LIKE...it no longer shows on the Activity Stream HOWEVER it does count as personal activity its just not shown

The only thing different on like is that it will not feed to the activity stream.  It will still let the posting member know that we have seen it and liked it.  Thats where the value is to me~~~  (by activity stram, she means the Latest Activity column)

John McCain said:

Ken, likes no longer show up in the Latest Activity column on the right side of the main IKC page, but are still counted in the original discussion, photo, and still counts as a plus in your own personal activity.  This  was done to prevent redundancy in the Latest Activity column--Many times in the past, relatively new posts were getting lost behind  20-30 likes, and were not being seen easily. I will bet if you,yourself try looking at a post or picture- look at the number of likes before you hit the like button, then hit like, you will see the counter change  !! Here is a reply from Jan in your original discussion-  Why aren't we posting more? from last year-

Reply by Jan Carter on October 11, 2014 at 11:56

Let me be clear on LIKE...it no longer shows on the Activity Stream HOWEVER it does count as personal activity its just not shown

The only thing different on like is that it will not feed to the activity stream.  It will still let the posting member know that we have seen it and liked it.  Thats where the value is to me~~~  (by activity stream, she means the Latest Activity column)

John, that explains it. thanks alot.  I guess nothing is wrong after-all.

thanks Steve and Jan for your helpl.

Tobias, thanks for understanding.

Thanks everyone else who responded also.

Ken Spielvogel said:

John McCain said:

Ken, likes no longer show up in the Latest Activity column on the right side of the main IKC page, but are still counted in the original discussion, photo, and still counts as a plus in your own personal activity.  This  was done to prevent redundancy in the Latest Activity column--Many times in the past, relatively new posts were getting lost behind  20-30 likes, and were not being seen easily. I will bet if you,yourself try looking at a post or picture- look at the number of likes before you hit the like button, then hit like, you will see the counter change  !! Here is a reply from Jan in your original discussion-  Why aren't we posting more? from last year-

Reply by Jan Carter on October 11, 2014 at 11:56

Let me be clear on LIKE...it no longer shows on the Activity Stream HOWEVER it does count as personal activity its just not shown

The only thing different on like is that it will not feed to the activity stream.  It will still let the posting member know that we have seen it and liked it.  Thats where the value is to me~~~  (by activity stream, she means the Latest Activity column)

Do you have to be signed in to leave comments?  If no, make sure you're signed in.  Sorry to suggest something obvious, but sometimes it's those things that are too easily overlooked.


You are right.  I always ask the ones that seem like silly questions first when trouble shooting.  it seems to help in many cases

Hello to everyone. Just a note to let you know whats happening with me: I have Aged Macular Degeneration in both Retinas and have distorted vision . I don't drive anymore and can't read very good at all. I'm still kicking but eyesight is greatly missed. I remember good times on this site and some good friends. I'll try to get back on at times.  I see there are many new members and welcome to all. . My typing might not be very good but hope you can read this.  I still love knives. I got a few new ones for my collection recently: 2 JA Heckels, a really nice Puma folder, a Bertrand Cutlery knife and an old pearl handle Soligen Germany knife has AW on it. Take care everyone. I havent forgotten IKC. God Bless all, Ken


I was wondering recently and hoping we would hear from you soon.I have had many friends with that and it is very frustrating, I am so so sorry.  Your typing was perfect !  It sure sounds like you have added some wonderful pieces and I know they have made their way to a good home 

Ken ... Don't think we've ever talked here on iKC.  Sorry to hear about your eyesight.  Have you considered a text-to-talk plug-in for your browser?  While I don't use it often, I have Talkie installed on Firefox (but I am sure there are plug-ins/add-ons similar to this for other browsers).  While it won't help with your typing (which was fine, by the way) you will be able to have your browser read the posts to you. 

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