The online community of knife collectors, A Knife Family Forged in Steel
I have two Ulster Boy Scout knives. One is in pretty good shape but somebody messed up one of the scales. The other one is in terrible shape but the scales are intact. If somebody wants them to try to make one good knife out of them, I will give them to you. Just send me your address in a PM and I will send them to you.
Here is a picture of both knives. The top one is in good shape except for the damage you can see on the scale. It is a shame someone messed it up. The bottom one is probably beyond repair.
Here are close ups of the damage to the good knife. It looks like someone might have been trying to get the shield off.
Oh nice! I'm looking for just such a project! I'll take them if no one else has claimed them yet!
They are yours Lars. Send me your address in a PM.
Those are some nice ULSTER's.
Speaks highly of you, Charles .. contributing like this.
Perhaps .. Lars could post a pic or two of the end result .. that'd be cool too !!!
!!! .. Thanks again, Charles .. !!!
agree with dale, very kind gesture on your part Charles!
Lar's ..
I've no idea the amount of experience you have going into this .. might I suggest .. dismantling the trashed unit first such that dismantling the good unit will be accorded that experience. Of course .. you're probably way ahead of me on this one.
!!! .. Good luck w/ the repair .. !!!
Are you kidding? I'll take all the advise, insight, and fellow experience I can get! Thank you Dale for the suggestions. And for sure - if it/they turn out, they'll get posted!
(Then Charles will probably send me an invoice the "potential" he didn't charge for originally!)
Thanks Dale and Tim.
Lars, that's what you get for not reading the fine print! LOL
Lars ...
I did a scale replacement here .. all threaded fasteners were used though .. may be able to glean some general info though.
There's another re-handle project here.
Further info here.
Member Dan Howland & myself put together a couple MIKOV's & Dan pinned his scales on ...and... posted some detailed pics of it. Did a sweet job of it too. Pg 4 of that discussion.
While I've not personally done this .. I understand that inserting a heavy single edge razor blade between the scale & the frame & then lightly hammering it can be effectively implemented to shear the brass pins .. currently securing the scales to their respective frame liner.
Also .. there exists a fair amount of experience & willingness to share w/i this group you run into difficulties - just ask.
NOTE: Pics really help with questions !!!
Take lots of pictures, Im curious how you get those pinned on scales off, then back on in one piece. as for the pictures I always get going on a project and move from step to step and forget to take the pictues, to engrosed in the project. Good luck and have fun with it.
Oh I cannot wait to see this one and yes some work in progress pics would be great!!!!!!!!!
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