Does anyone know how to decode S&M pattern/model numbers??

Example: 033 176 is a stag handle swell center whittler made in 2000. How do the 033 176 numbers relate to that?

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The historical group at Queen is working on making as much of this as possible as quickly as they can.  It is an amazing amount of information

Jerry, If there is something you cannot find there send a massage to David Clark.  He is the S&M expert of the historian group

Thanks for the info Jan. Not exactly what I'm looking for but the Keystone Series PDF was definitely worth saving.

I tried to send a message to David Clark but apparently (like Facebook) I must be "friends" with him before I can do that. One of the reasons, much to my daughter's chagrin, I seldom use Facebook. mumble, mumble, grumble, grumble

Post what you want to ask and I will send him a copy of this thread to respond to.  He is a great guy

I don't know how to say this without sounding smart-alecky but I already did that in the OP. Maybe I didn't make it clear enough.

I want to know how to decode an S&M pattern number.

I just found out the second digit is handle material.

Third digit is number of blades.

fourth digit is blade profile (I.E. 1=clip -- 2=spear -- 4=Sheepfoot)

fifth & sixth digit is pattern number

What I'm trying to find out is what the first digit position indicates and what numbers equate to what in each digit position.

I hope that makes more sense.

BTW I did send a "friend" request to David.

Excellent way to clarify it Jerry and thank you!!

Right now I'm working on a spreadsheet but need more info to complete it. I'm missing several of the handle materials and main blade types.

I found a little more information on the handle material codes. Let's see if I can copy and paste from my spreadsheet to here. If anyone sees this and can fill some of the blank spots, it would be truly appreciated.

03 Stag
04 Bone
05 Pearl
06 Winterbottom Bone
12 Wooly Mammoth
14 Buffalo Horn
15 Black Lip Pearl

The person at the factory that should

know all about these recent numbers is President Jennie Moore. I am not familier how they assign numbers currencty.

David Clark

Thank you David I will check with her next!

Thank you David. I appreciate your response and the contact name.

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