Member needs and prayer requests

Tags: medical, needs, prayer, requests

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Fingers and toes crossed!!

Praying for a good outcome.

We just got a text from Ms Cherry.  The brain tumor is cancer.  They beleive they have gotten it all but Chemo and radiation will be following.  Terry is resting now

Still praying for Terry and Cherry!

Great news that they think they got it all!! Rest well Terry, you got this licked!

Hey Jan he is doing great today it was cancer but dr thinks he got all of it. He will take radiation and chemo to be safe Just updating you Love y'all very much Thank s for the prayers they are greatly appreciated

Woo Hoo!! Great to hear Terry is feeling better!

Still praying for Terry...

Terry is out of ICU and in a room where Cherry can stay with him, nothing new on the condition but out of ICU is good

On another front I am asking for prayers for a member of not only our group but of Sharp Fans.  Many of you will have known Harold B. O'Brien (BRAD) from both groups.  Brad has gone to be with our Father and his family could sure use some good thoughts and prayers, Thank you !

Praying for Harold's family. Also continued prayers for Terry and Cherry.

Just keeping you all in the loop on Terry, Cherry's update today

We made it home yesterday, and Terry is walking around and doing everyday stuff on his on. Other than a little head pain he is great. I'm so thankful God answered our prayers........and thanks from our FB friends and our family for the prayers they were greatly appreciated. Today his dad is watching him I had to come to my monthly Dr check up and a mammogram so I'm in Jackson Tenn. Can't wait to get back home to him. My brother Jimmy and sister In law Angie King brought me and a big thank you to them. God bless everyone just keeping everyone updated on Terry.

That sounds like great news! Hugs to Cherry and Terry Ray! (Thanks, Jan!)

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