I joined a little while ago, but was in the process of preparing for a show. Being a dumb nut when it comes to computers, it was a little overwhelming to figure out the somewhat different format here. I did like what I saw, especially the friendly atmosphere. So, I finally thought I better figure this out if I am going to participate.

A little about myself. I have been making knives for almost 40 years, almost exclusively lockback folders for the past 20. Knives have been a huge part of our family life. Many close friendships were formed in the knife community.

However, I am not here as a maker. Over the years I have always enjoyed the simple slipjoints, and managed to pick up the odd one here and there. This year I decided to start making some, just for my own collection and enjoyment. While doing some research into different patterns, I absolutely fell in love with these knives. I have turned into a slipjoint collector!

Though I am not sure if I can contribute much at this point, I am looking forward to spend some time here with fellow addicts.


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Wolfe ...

Welcome to our community. One thing you'll  find here is friendly help. If you've a quest ... how to post a pic .. start a discussion .. where should a comment like this go .. just ask.

There's a bunch of groups .. might I suggest .. peruse those as a starting point.One of my favorites .. Knife Repair, Modification, Restoration, Improvement. With your background ...........

If you've an exceptionally long time .. view our collection of member pics. I highly suggest a handy beverage when this approach is implemented !!!

Enjoy !!


WOW...Glad your here to enjoy yourself Wolfe.  We are a very relaxed community that likes to think of ourselves as a sharp family.  Welcome home, feel free to ask anything

Oh my .. I had no idea !!
Those are quite literally .. works of art.

Jan Carter said:

WOW those are BEAUTIFUL!  Welcome to iKnife and I so look forward to seeing more of these!

"Over the years I have always enjoyed the simple slipjoints", eh?  Incredible, Mr. Loerchner!  Welcome aboard!


Wolfe ...

I'm simply overwhelmed with your art .. in the form of cutlery.

I feel more than a little embarrassed suggesting you visit our .. relatively speaking .. quite modest "Repair& Mod" group.  

The offer for help .. site navigation .. computer .. anything iKC .. is genuine.

It's a very friendly community we have here. There is no foolish question.

We've all .. quite literally .. been there tried that found this works best .. & .. will gladly share.

A sincere .. Welcome Aboard !!!



our modest Repair and Mod group has help many an aspiring knife maker go from fumbling to happy with their creation.  That is in no small part due to your willingness to share those trys and successes.  Wolfe, it is a great group and a wonderful place to watch aspirations in the basement become successes on a bench

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