I picked up this little gem for $35 in an antique shop- I believe this was a limited release by LL Bean & reasonably rare-Does not appear to have ever been used--Any additional info that you might be able to add will be appreciated !! I believe the LL Bean catalog # was 6236.

SPECS  85mm - with 5 tool lines

1-Large Blade-Locking                                   2-  Phillips Screwdriver -flat version {auto pressure lock) 

3-Scissors-Spring loaded,serrated                 4-Wood Saw

5-Fish Scaler / Hook Disgorger                      6- Bottle Opener / Large Screwdriver / Wire Stripper

7-Can Opener                        8-Cork Screw                  9-Awl

10-Key Ring on Short Chain    11-Toothpick                    12-Tweezers 

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That appears to be a Wenger Sierra  <-----Click it

That will take you to the SAK Wikipedia and the knife I believe yours to be. Nice score, btw!

I should also add that if Wayne/aka/Stressmaster is around? He can probably tell you a little more about your knife? But I haven't seen his typeface around in quite a spell. Let me send up a smoke signal and hope that he responds...

Ron- I believe you are incorrect- The Sierra had a small clip blade which the Swiss Outdoorsman replaced with a flat Phillips screwdriver blade which mine has. In addition, the Sierra has a line guide on the fish scaler / hook disgorger blade. Mine does not have a line guide.


Hi, John!

I was between trying to post and my daughter calling. So forgive me...

I had added a comment about yours appearing to have a corkscrew instead of a Phillips screwdriver, and it disappeared? Anyway, I don't see a phillips on your knife? I do see a corkscrew. What am I missing?

Here's a pic of an Outdoorsman. Notice the backside Phillips...

Wenger Outdoorsman Serrated version model 16485

Final Edit...

My Bad! John, you are correct and I am incorrect. Sorry! Now I'm gonna go sit in the corner and contemplate my navel for the remainder of the afternoon. Out...

Ron, in my photo, the flat Phillips is about halfway showing in between the saw blade and the scissors. Even has a Phillips head screw etched on the blade. The Swiss Outdoorsman also has a non-serrated locking main blade vs. the Serrated  Outdoorsman. BTW, the flat Phillips blade on mine is in the same tool row directly opposite the main blade.

 I got mine sometime in the mid '90's at the Freeport  LL Bean store, never could remember the model name,

It has the flat phillips blade but has a line guide on the fish scaler and the text is a little different,

not sure when the changes were made ,  It gets rotated with my other knives so it gets the pocket time it deserves.

7.5mas-Thank you very much for the information--Great to see the evolution of the Swiss Outdoorsman and to learn that it was sold for a few years in some form or another-- Thanks again !! Still looking for info as there is not much around on this knife--- 


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