Canada, Oregon, Montana, Washington State, California are on fire.  Tx is still under water and Fl, Sc, Nc and Ga are in the way.

Let's make sure we are checking in and letting our fellow members know we are doing ok.

Where are you and are you safe?

Tags: Hurricane, check, in

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Well it appears we begin to get a tropical storm at about 8 am.  Thankfully that is after I have my coffee LOL

In all seriousness, we have all been helping each other get ready including our part timers that have come up from FL.  Everything that can fly (other than the darn acorns that are falling constantly) has been stored in the shed.  We have one window that seems to be an acorn target so it has been boarded up.  The gutters have been cleared and the dead limbs we can reach have been taken down. 

One of the part timers has been having her house built and had to get her family out of  FL.  Got here and did not even have toilets installed LOL.  Donnie spent the day setting them for her.

We have a basement and even a cage for the bird down there now (thanks to another neighbor).

All will be well, we have about 16 hours of wind and rain but sustained winds are forecast to cap at 31 with gusts at about 45.  I have charged the hotspot, the tablet and both phones.  When you live in a forest, power outages during a storm like this are regular and may last a couple days but I will at least be able to come on and let you know all is good.

For the rest of you, stay safe.  Think it through and make the best decisions you can considering all that is going on.

We continue to pray for all of you and by next week I want to know what your newest knife is!!!! 

Think we're as ready as we can be, at this point. Expect the wind and rain in the am, pretty much the same as Jan.
Hoping everyone in the track of Irma remains safe.

Oh, I'm expecting a Victorinox Rally to blow in with the storm, tomorrow. Tracking indicates that it's in town already.

Monroe, ny...all well here...............best wishes to all in harms way!

OK folks, check in if you can!

We are set for the day bring us our share

I'm in the Arizona high country and this year the monsoons have been gentle.  The wildfires are all out and we are a couple of months away from snow, so things are good here.

I'm out of VA hospital - all is good - Now in Nebraska house setting while my daughter is in China - work related - hope to visit forum soon - best knife forum and the best members 

Very good to hear you are out of va Guy!,,,

We have made it through what should be the worst of it.  Looks like a tree is down out back but home and vehicles are good.  It has been a wild ride,no cable or internet but have power this morning,just blinking a good bit.  I hope all have come through Irma as well

First stage of clean up is complete,posting some pics

It is great to hear from everyone and put a place with some names.  East Central Illinois is very dry, but not burning.  We hesitate to wish for rain as we watch the news and see pictures of Texas, Louisiana, and Florida, but we sure could use a little. We  pray for everyone as they wait to get back to their places and face the challenges of cleaning up.

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