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Hello guys and gals. I’m looking into collections rooster knifes made by queen cutlery or s&m

rooster  #10

Hello I'm looking for an Original moose skinner stag handle knife made in Germany 

                                                            Thanks John

Hello from Kansas.

New member looking for a knife of my father's that I unfortunately just lost.  It was similar to the picture below, and had a label Solingen.  It would have been from the '60's, and was a promotional item, inscribed with a company name.

It had an aluminum outer case, as below, but differed in that it only had a blade and scissors, both of which were pinned at one end of the case.  This left the other end free, so that I could thread a key ring through it and put it on my keychain.  I think the key ring failed, and thus I lost it..Would like to replace it, but would also like to hear about other possibilities.  I'd like something similarly thin (~1/8"), about 3" long, with just a blade, scissors, maybe nail file.  Need to hook it to a key ring.

I'm interested to hear about such knives, and look forward to chatting with you.


Day Radebaugh

There are numerous folks that mod Swiss army knives,  Day. Alox classics can be found, on eBay for under $20.00.   who knows, you might even find a use for the third blage. 

Exactly where I was going, JJ!  Very much reminds me of the Victorinox Alox, Victorinox Classic, and Victorinox Mini Champ.  Day, there are many factory built variations and, just as JJ said, many people who modify these patterns with their own scale choices.  Going to eBay with these terms might yield an overwhelming barrage of hits.  Start with "Victorinox Classic Alox" & go from there.  And hey, now you have something to do today!  :)

Thanks, guys.  Actually, I ordered a Vnox Alox a couple of weeks ago to replace it.  Was wondering if I could find one from the '60's just like it.

You never know what you'll find on eBay.

Day Radebaugh


That type of knife is often referred to as "lobster" knives. However, true Lobster knives typically have 3, 4, 5, or more blades.

You can find them listed on the bay .. with more or less blades .. that look quite similar to your picture.

You can also find some 2-bladed knives with a bail like you described listed under the same search criteria.



D ale

D ale said:

Day Radebaugh


That type of knife is often referred to as "lobster" knives. However, true Lobster knives typically have 3, 4, 5, or more blades.

You can find them listed on the bay .. with more or less blades .. that look quite similar to your picture.

You can also find some 2-bladed knives with a bail like you described listed under the same search criteria.



D ale


I’m looking for any knife any condition stamped Akron cutlery. OR. Carter and Johnston Thanks for looking. It existed around 1900. Jake. Or. Iknifecollector name BOCAJ

Always on the lookout for unusual Buck 389 Canoes.  Customized handle scales or blade designs.  Also, not sure if these ever even existed, but scale colors Black, Pink, or Purple -- in bone or stag or synthetic or wood (or any other handle material)...  It seems Buck did a variety of handle scale colors in 2007 for some reason, good chance that's when these variations will have been manufactured.

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