Thank you JJ I've just figured out how to comment back haha. Glad to be a part of this site, I plan to be making knives, hopefully before the end of August. Currently setting up a little shop to work out of.
Welcome, Calen! As I was saying to Andrew / AJ, it's always good to have more creative types here! And there's a bunch of knowledge on this site. I'm amazed how thorough & accurate the answers are when someone asks a question on this site.
Calen's Comments
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Well we definitely look forward to seeing your work.
If you need any help in navigating the site just give a shout.
Featureddead_left_knife_guy said…
Welcome, Calen! As I was saying to Andrew / AJ, it's always good to have more creative types here! And there's a bunch of knowledge on this site. I'm amazed how thorough & accurate the answers are when someone asks a question on this site.
Good to have you!
thanks for the request, Calen. Let me know if you need any help with the site.
Welcome to iKC, Calen.
Good to have you here.
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